Cake by the Ocean

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Don't get me wrong, Bora Bora was perfect. You'd much rather be there then working 12 hours 3 days in a row. Just to make up some time you missed. But the closer it got to the wedding the more excited you and Demi became.


"Baby, were gonna be late! Max is already here waiting for us." You heard Demi day from beside the door. You couldn't find the list of questions you wanted to ask the specialist. That's right, it's time for the appointment. You had so many questions about IVF but you just couldn't find them!

"Have you seen my list babe?" Demi was smiling at you as you opened the door for her. "Already in my purse sweet cheeks. You left it on the bathroom sink."

You had no idea how to feel when the doctor said that you both were perfectly healthy and that if you wanted to go ahead and start your injections that were needed before the egg retrieval then he'd get everything going.

"I think it's a good idea. Just to get a head start on everything." Demi said smiling. Her eyes brighter than the sun. "Right baby?" She said looking at you. "Oh yeah yeah, I'm definitely ready. Just a little nervous. Shots daily are a little nerve wracking."


You, Demi, Dianna, Y/M/N, Dallas, Maddie, Sirah, and Sam, your friend from work were all riding in the jet black Suburban Max was driving. Dianna and your mom were currently discussing napkins for your reception. Maddie, Sirah, and Sam were listening to Dallas talk about one of her younger actors mishaps. Demi.. well she was looking at you like she could kill you. Probably because for the last 5 hours all she's heard you sing or say is something to do with that song Cake by the Ocean. Which you were currently doing now. Well.. until..

"You realize that song is about sex right?!" Demi looks at you with a playful smile. "What?" You furrowed your brow. "No.. it's about cake.. by.. the ocean?" Why was everyone looking at you so weird. I mean.. the only part you know is I keep on hopin, we'll eat cake by the ocean. What's so bad about that? Maddie starts laughing.

"Y/N do you even know any lyrics to any songs at all?" Before you could reply Demi piped in. "Honestly I don't think she does. But it's the cutest thing. She can tell you every stat of her favorite NBA team though. That's cute too." You leaned over and kissed her cheek she was watching her carpool karaoke episode. Showing you her phone. "See babe, listen to Nick." You took the phone in your hand to watch..

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" You all start laughing. "Sex on the beach? Really? That's how they came up with that?" Looking at Demi for answers. "I mean that's what he said!" Ugh. You still like the song. It fit.

You're all setting in a gorgeous formal dining room. The place Demi had found to do the wedding cakes was unbelievable. She said there was 6 to choose from. "Baby, do you think that we could have cake by the ocean?" You quietly asked Demi smirking. She just looked at you before breaking out into a laugh. "You're not giving up are you?" She asked as the lady brought out the first cake.

"Okay ladies this is our Classic Wedding Cake flavor. It's a Vanilla Almond mixed with a Golden Vanilla flavor. Enjoy and let me know what you think." Everyone ate a small piece from the slice that was brought out. Quietly chewing you honestly thought it was okay. All of a sudden Maddie started laughing. "Please tell me y'all are not getting a plain vanilla cake." She said looking at me. "Mads you know me better than that babe. It's good, but sorta bland don't y'all think?" A chorus of "yeah" and head nods confirmed your suspicions. Then you noticed the lady bringing another plate. "How was it guys?" Demi this time reacted. "It was good, just not what we're looking for." The woman silently agreed then told us about our next option.

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