No view is better than you.

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You had brought Demi's coffee to her this morning only to find out she was waiting on you to call the fertility specialist. Explaining the situation you found an opening for when you all would be back in town. Demi couldn't wipe the smile off her face. Just seeing her with Ryan and Reagan was enough for you to be absolutely sure this is everything you wanted. You all had just landed in Bora Bora and currently on a boat taking you to the little but not so shabby cabana you would be staying in. Demi sitting by your side taking in all the sights like she had never been here before. You couldn't think straight. The woman beside you always took your breath away. But being in this beautiful place with her made it even better. You pulled your phone out aiming it at her. Demi turned and smiled at you over your shoulder. Just a cute little grin.

"You just took a picture of me didnt you?" She asked rolling her eyes. Before you could answer the guy interrupted you. "Ladies this way your bags should already be there. Enjoy your stay, if you need anything to hesitate to let me know." Giving him a smile you said thanks before dragging Demi into the bedroom.

"Hot tub! Yes! Let's go now!!" She laughed at you. "What're you 12?"
"Yes, but I also want to see you in that bikini! So get naked baby I'll meet you out there with some coconut water." You pecked her lips.

Cuddling in the hot tub with your fiancé, in paradise. Life is grand. You had probably been in the hot tub for maybe 15 minutes when Demi heard you're stomach growl. You just ignored it and kept snapping pictures of you two.

"My baby's hungry, come on let's get you some food." She pulled away from your grip. Taking on step up to get out of the hot tub your jaw dropped and your eyes were glued to her ass. "Babe you're literally sexy as fuck. DONT MOVE!" You were already opening your camera app to snap a bunch of different pictures. Demi's head thrown back because she was laughing at you. Her looking at you smiling. Her flipping you off because she was already done with your shit. "Come on babe, gimme the sex face." You told her laughing. "Y/N I'm about to throw that phone in the ocean and give you no sex if you don't come eat dinner with me." Demi told you, right before she lowered her sunglasses, putting her hand on her knee, and giving you a look that made you instantly wet.

"Fuck" you whispered. Hoping she didn't hear it. She was already halfway to the kitchen by the time you got out. Demi was there, playing on her phone. She glanced up at you, "grilled chicken for dinner? I don't really wanna go out tonight." You smiled. Of course she didn't. Normally after a day of traveling she never got out of pjs.

"Sounds good to me, we actually have reservations tomorrow night so that works out." You told her walking by her to the fridge. Smacking her cute butt as you past her.

"Hey! I'm not sure if you know but.. I'm like.. engaged okay?" Demi glared. You couldn't help but laugh, "That's funny, me too. What they don't know won't hurt them." You said winking. Now, let's get something clear. You and Demi argued. You argued over dinner, and the remote. What shoes she should wear with her dress, what button up you should wear with navy dress pants. But you never argued over anything serious. Hell, this was the first relationship where you weren't the jealous girlfriend. Neither was Demi. You both showed each other that you were number one and that no one was more important, you were never in situations where anything was questioned. You were lucky. But the look in those brown eyes. That was a hint of hurt. And that scared you. Wrapping your arms around her waist and pulling her into you you questioned her. "Hey, where'd you go? What's wrong?" She dropped her head. Barely shaking it back and forth. You hardly even seen the notion. Cupping her face in your hands you lifted her head to look at you. Her eyes. Those fucking eyes always gave it away. And right now all you could see was defeat, insecurities flooding her brain. You knew her all too well. "Baby, what's going on."

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