Backstage passes

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You grab your phone and tell Y/BF/N you're waiting on her. You notice you have some notifications. Two texts from your mom, one from your brother, and one from a number you don't have saved. After telling your mom for the 12th time today that you would indeed be there in two weeks for the family dinner and telling your brother that you would absolutely not forget his new football you got him. You check the unknown number.

Hey it's Demi. Just wanted to let you know you can swing by will call and show them your ID and you'll have two passes waiting on you! Hope to see you guys later! 😜 oh.. and if you don't care.. please don't give my number out. 🥺

You are dumbfounded. She seriously left passes at will call for you and your best friend. What if she felt like she had to? What if she's only doing it as a nice gesture. Okay okay you think to yourself. You look cute enough. You had just thrown on some black ripped skinny jeans, an olive green shirt, and some black vans. While waiting for Y/BF/N you decide to finally text Demi back and flirt a little. Who knows, maybe she would flirt back.

Hey cutie, I'm picking up Y/BF/N right now and we will head that way. Are you sure you don't care? I don't want to bother you before your show. And don't worry Lovato, your number is safe with me. 😉

You hit send just as Y/BF/N closed the door and shouts "Lets go!"

When you get to the venue your best friend keeps looking at you weird as you make your way to will call.

"Y/N I thought you already got the tickets? If you are joking I'm going to kill you!!"

"Will you relax! It's a surprise!"

The lady at the booth asks if she can help you and you give her your ID and tell her your name. She then hands you the two backstage passes. As Y/BF/N starts freaking out.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS! Back stage passes?! How did you do that?! When? HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL ME?!"

"Chill out please. I met Demi as I was leaving the gym. She forgot her wallet, I paid for her drink, she said she'd repay me, I didn't want her to. I mentioned it was your birthday. So she offered this. She text me earlier and said I could pick them up at will call and now we're here"

You look at your best friend as her jaw is dropped and her eyes are bugging out of her head.

"She was at the gym?! You didn't tell me?! You talked to her?! WAIT! SHE TEXT YOU!?"

You just laugh as you feel your phone vibrate.

"No no I promise you're not bothering me. I'd actually like some company and to get to know you better! You seemed so sweet. Plus it's your best friends birthday! So please, just stop at side stage after the show and I'll send someone to get you if I can myself!"

You smile at your phone as Y/BF/N stares blankly.

"What?" You ask her laughing a little.

"Y/N she said she wants to get to know you! Holy fuck."

"Okay.. I admit.. I have a little crush. But I mean that doesn't mean she might have one. She just wants to be polite. Now shut up and let's go watch this show."

So I'm probably posting one more chapter today. But let me know what you guys think! Like I said I've never done anything like this. So if y'all see something you don't like or want to see something else. Do tell!

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