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Today Demi is officially 25 weeks. We decided to announce it on social media. Especially after the incident with the paparazzi. Everyone is playing it off like you're just being the protective wife. After all the dude straight up pulled Demi's arm to get her attention. Proceeded to flash a camera in her face. And call HER a bitch when you protected her. Fucking people man.

You weren't even worried about yourself. You were much more worried about Demi. You had thought you had snuck in to the Babies R Us pretty well. But judging by the whole store front lined with paparazzi, you surely did not. The woman explained that there was no back exit. Which made you feel even worse. Today was a good day. Demi was enjoying herself and wanted to look at baby things. You happily obliged. But now you were wishing you hadn't told Max to just wait by the car. After paying you grabbed Demi's hand and squeezed.

"It'll be okay baby. I'll take ya straight to the car. Just don't even talk to them." She nodded. "I know but now that I'm wearing less revealing clothes they just love saying shit. I can't wait to announce it so we don't have to worry anymore." Kissing her head you began making your way out of the store.

"DEMI! Y/N!"



You kept walking until you get Demi's hand ripped from yours. You looked back to see a man twice her size with his nasty hands pulling her arm and Demi telling him to let go. Before Max can react you smack the camera away from Demi's face and push him off of her.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? DONT FUCKING TOUCH MY WIFE!" You screamed. He began laughing. "I just wanted a picture of the pregnant bitch, I didn't know you were her bodyguard too. And by the way, you're paying for that camera." Reacting was the only thing on your mind. Protecting Demi. "Don't even fucking talk about her like that." So you punched him. Knocked him flat on his back. "Oh, and we're not paying for shit." By this time Demi is pulling you to the car and Max is trying to shield both of you. He opens the door and rushes you two in.

Demi's laugh interrupts the quietness. You just look at her wide eyed. "What's so funny?" You are utterly confused. You expected her to be crying. Or mad at you for punching someone. Damn pregnancy hormones. She just kept laughing trying to talk in between giggles.

"You literally... knocked him... right out... fuck Y/N.. that was so sexy. I've literally never wanted to just fuck you senseless anymore than I do right now."

Wow.. damn pregnancy hormones. Fuck you senseless she did. You were still sore.


"Baby! You ready?" Demi called outside. Walking back in with the veggies from the grill you seen Demi going through her maternity photos and the gender reveal. "Of course! You picked out your favorites yet?" She smiled that smile that's only for you. "Yep, now you pick out yours, then we will post?" You laughed "I'm not going to be able to just pick two or three, but yeah just make sure we read over each other's. I don't want to put anything you don't like in the caption." She just leaned up to kiss your cheek. "You could never."

Picking the pictures and typing the captions finished you and Demi switched phones. You loved her entire post. Her way with words were so perfect. She started laughing. "It's perfect." She told you. "So is yours. I love it baby."


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