Mommy cried wolf?

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"Demi I swear to god if you weren't pregnant with my son right now I'd throw your ass into the pool. I literally busted my ass tripping over baby shit to come check on you." Your wife is bent over laughing with tears in her eyes. Demi has been playing this game where she yells for you when your in another room, when you get there she either says her water broke, or she's hysterically laughing, or she asked for a snack. Which is totally fine. Because at 33 weeks you'll do whatever your wife wants. But right now. It's getting on your nerves! She gives you her best pout and puppy dog eyes. "Baby I just want you to be ready!" She giggles at you. "And I swear when it happens I will be. But seriously, you joking about it. I bet you'll go the full forty weeks. And I'm not even mad about it." She rolls her eyes. "The doctor said it could happen any time. Shut up." She says lovingly. "Can I go back and put his clothes up now? Or did you really need something?" You ask her. "I wanted to come with you actually so gimme a second and uhm.. could you help me get up please?" You smiled and went to help your wife."


Your family and Demi's were both over this afternoon for a little movie night. It's July 1st and Demi INSISTED you watch the sandlot because of the 4th of July. After Madison begged for popcorn and candy, you and Demi are in the kitchen putting some snacks into bowls. "Let's prank them." You suddenly said. Demi started laughing. "But you hate when I kept doing that to you!" You just smiled. "Exactly, it's not happening to me babe." Demi looked at you, "alright, get some water and pour around me, I'll rub my face and make it look red, and you.. well you just freak out. I'll do all the talking, you ad lib where you can." You pecked her cheek and nodded excitedly before splashing some water on the floor and Demi poured some down her legs for "effect" she says.

All of sudden your wife lets out a groan. "GUYS! Hurry! I need help!" All of a sudden both sets of parents come bounding in the house from the living room, and Maddie, Dallas, and Y/B/N run in from the movie room. Eddie and Y/Dads/N stand at the edge of the kitchen, their faces white as snow. Dianna is holding Demi by the shoulders. "Baby, are you okay??" Demi's face scrunches up. "No momma! I'm in pain!" Your mom rushes over and brushes the hair out of Demi's face. "Oh honey."

Your brother is dense sometimes. "Oh god, she's gonna have a baby in the kitchen."

Dallas thinks this is the coolest thing. "Holy shit you're about to have a baby!"

Madison brought everyone out of shock. "Well what the hell are we doing standing here?!"

Then you knew you should say something. "Dad, you and Eddie grab the car seat and the bags for the baby and bring them by the door. Mom, you and Dianna grab Demi's stuff in the hall closet! Hurry go!"

And without thinking the parents scrambled. Leave you, Demi, Dallas, Maddie, and your brother. Waiting until everyone was safely away Demi started dying laughing. Your brother was the first to notice. "What the hell? You were just crying?"

Dallas stopped before pinching Demi on the arm. "That's so mean!"

Maddie looked at Demi. "Honestly this is hilarious. But they're gonna be pissed!"

You heard footsteps. "SHHH!!" Just then Eddie tan in and grabbed Demi's arm carefully. "Come on Dem we have to go. You can not have this baby anywhere but the hospital. Oh god, I think I'm gonna pass out." Then Dianna and Y/Moms/N came with all Demis bags. You all held it together until Dianna tripped and fell into the couch in the living room. Demi lost it. She was crying and laughing and everyone was staring at her. "What's going on?" Dianna asked. You looked at her and just laughed. Until Y/B/N gave them some mercy. "Well it seems these two lovebirds like jokes!" You heard a round of "Are you serious?"
"Demi that's not funny!"
"Y/N I thought the baby was coming!"

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