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It's been so hectic the last two weeks. You and Demi had joined her family at their house for Madison's YouTube movie premiere. Which went perfectly! You couldn't believe how talented Madison was. You had suggested that you and Demi buy her a few more things that she could use to help her shoot movies. So a new laptop and a new camera was opened that night. Madison still texts you to thank you and her sister. Dinner was filled with questions from Dianna about the wedding. Even Eddie asking if he needed to buy an all black suit. Guess the Halloween theme joke was taken all too well. After that was the Simply Complicated premiere. Demi had been so nervous for your family to fly out and see it. She kept reminding you that there were things about her past that she knew they would hate. Which in your mind was totally not true. No one could ever hate your fiancé. Demi sat between you and your mom. You remember grabbing her hand before it started. On a particular part where she talks about her lowest point you looked over to see your mom. She was wiping tears away from her eyes and grabbing Demi's hand. She leaned to whisper something in her ear that you couldn't quite catch. Your mom planted a kiss on Demi's cheek and wiped a tear away. You had to smile. Hell, you had the perfect life. The perfect soon to be wife. Going through shit when you were younger you truly never thought you'd be here. With the love of your life, your family, engaged. Blessed is an understatement. The quiet night after the premiere is what was your favorite. You and Demi cuddled on one couch. Your brother laying in the floor. Your mom and your dad on the other. Your parents both told her how proud they are of her. Reassuring her that marrying you is exactly what they wanted. Your dad made sure to let her know that she was the favorite, and that she needed to save him a dance at the wedding. Throwing out details of the wedding at you both Demi promised that when you came back from Bora Bora, yes you broke down and told her where you were taking her. How could you not? That her family would come to the house and you would have most of the details worked out by then. Tonight though, before you leave for Bora Bora late tomorrow night, Demi has decided she wants to plan. By plan she means, plan the whole wedding down to the time you have sex. Well, not really but fuck, you wouldn't care. Whatever she wants is what you will give her.

"Y/N! Hello where were you?" Demi asks looking at you concerned. Grabbing her hand and kissing it you decide to tell her. "Our wedding." You smiled.

"Well, good, tell me where it's at? Cause I'm having such a hard time finding some place I like." She laughed at you while scrolling through venues.

"Oh! Wait! Go back! Stop! I love the looks of that place!" You yelled causing her to nearly fall off the bed.

"Oh my god! It's perfect. Look we could have the wedding between that line of trees! Everything is perfect!" She told you smiling as you both flipped through the pictures. Touching her cheek softly you turned her head so you could capture her lips on a heated kiss. "Fuck, I can't wait to see you walk down the aisle."

Her face turned pink. God that was so fucking adorable. "I can't wait to walk down the aisle to you baby." Demi told you pecking your lips. "Oh, I ordered my dress yesterday. You ordered yours the day before right?"

"Yep, done. Is it bad that we could literally get married next month? Like we've pretty much planned this. Reception at home, catering, decorations, I mean. Our parents don't even really have to do anything but show up." She laughed at you. "Yeah right. Like our parents are gonna let other fucking people handle everything." Rolling her eyes as she finished. "So you chose white flowers, we want to do grey tuxes for the guys. Pinkish dresses for the girls. Then after we get back my mom and your mom is putting everything into motion. I emailed them all the info, pictures..." you kissed her again. "Shut up, were done baby. Hey, remember we have to babysit tomorrow." You and Demi has become really good friends with one of the girls on the team. Her and her wife had a 4 year old boy and a 2 year old girl. They had asked you and Demi to babysit for three hours tomorrow, because they had no one else. You told them you didn't care a bit and they could ask you anytime. You all had been to their house, they had been here. You both loved the kids. Hell you had even discussed pregnancy and how they went about it, what sperm banks they used, what doctors. It was honestly a great friendship you both had. "Of course I remember, Tara texted me today and said that Ryan and Reagan couldn't wait to see us. I'm excited!"

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