The One With Poppy

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After two long hours in potions, Astraea felt over the moon to leave the dungeons. She didn't hate the dungeons, or Slytherins or even potions, but she loathed Snape. If it wasn't for her mother's constant reminder to behave or her godfather's words 'Don't mess with Snape', she would have gave him hell. Her godfather didn't live with them, but he was constantly checking on her whether by dropping by, or asking her to spend the weekend with him, or even an owl every while when she is at Hogwarts. She loved him and wished he was her real father instead of that filthy murderer.

"Stupid Snape and stupid Dumbeldor for assigning him a professor", Astraea started saying angrily. "That man honestly hates children and even though he knows his way around potions he should not be let around kids".

"Easy 'raea", started Angelina. "He might hear you".

"Let him", she yelled angrily. "Have I killed his mother or anything?"

"Your father might have", she turned around and saw Warrington, the Slytherin that defended her, leaning against the wall.

"Piss off Warrington", she grumbled. "And say he did, I am not my father. I have done nothing wrong to him to be treated like that".

Astraea then stormed off to her next class, Defense Against the Dark Arts. It was the class everyone had really been looking forward to, but Quirrell's lessons turned out to be a bit of a joke. His classroom smelled strongly of garlic, which everyone said was to ward off a vampire he'd met in Romania and was afraid would be coming back to get him one of these days. His turban, he told them, had been given to him by an African prince as a thank-you for getting rid of a troublesome zombie, but they weren't sure they believed this story. For one thing, when Lee Jordan asked eagerly to hear how Quirrell had fought off the zombie, Quirrell went pink and started talking about the weather; for another, they had noticed that a funny smell hung around the turban, and the Weasley twins insisted that it was stuffed full of garlic as well, so that Quirrell was protected wherever he went.

To Astraea, it was weirder since when she got into the class she had a slight headache. She shrugged it off thinking it might be her anger at Snape. However, when she got closer to Quirrell, the pain magnified and she felt like fainting. At the end of the session, she was about to faint. She was on her way to the common room when she couldn't take it anymore and let out a scream.

"That's the kid my lord", the man from her dream was talking to a hooded figure.

"Beautiful", the hooded man said and went to grab her.

She woke up in a jolt in the hospital. She looked ah found George sitting next to her.

"What happened?" she asked groggily.

"You screamed. Fainted. Got you here", George said simply.

"Oh yeah I remember my head hurting", she replied.

"Madam Pomfrey said it might be stress", he assured her.

"True", said Poppy suddenly showing up and feeling her head.

"Hello Poppy", she smiled at her.

Poppy smiled back and took out a potion.

"Every time you get an headache, take a sip", she explained handing her the potion. "It will relief the pain. However, you should really stop stressing so much".

Astraea nodding smiling slightly.

Friday came and Astraea couldn't be happier. She went to the Great Hall and saw Harry chatting with Ron. She decided to say hi.

"Hey harry, hey Ron", Astraea greeted smiling.

"Hello", the replied.

"How are you feeling now?" asked Harry.

"A bit better", she smiled. "Snape got me stressed by his attitude towards me. Don't know why he hates me".

"Is he that bad?" asked Ron.

"To me? Yeah", she chuckled. "To you guys? I don't really know".

They both looked afraid.

"Do you know how some teachers pick a student and decide that this student is their favorite and he gets the title 'teacher's pet'?" she asked them to which they nodded.

"Same thing with me except the opposite", she continued chuckling. "He gave me detention for answering correctly on Monday".

The look on their faces was priceless. They wanted to laugh, but at the same time they look scared and anxious.

"So good luck", she told them smiling.

Just then, the mail arrived. Hundred owls had suddenly streamed into the Great Hall during breakfast, circling the tables until they saw their owners, and dropping letters and packages onto their laps. Marama (A Maori moon goddess name), Astaea's owl, came and sat on her shoulder holding a letter.

Dear Astraea,

I hope the first week of Hogwarts wasn't awful. I am sorry I couldn't see you before you left, but you know the full moon and all that. Can't wait to spend the holidays with you and your mother. I want to hear everything.



Astraea smiled at the message, she really did love Remus. He is the best! He provides her with emotional support and always took care of her. She decided to reply as soon as she got to her dorm, by then she will decide if she should tell him about her dreams or no. However, she will definitely tell him about Harry.  



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