The One With The Escape

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Astraea Black. To the outside world, the muggle world, the name may mean nothing. However, in the Wizarding World, Astraea Black means a lot. For the past years, it meant fear, fear that one day she will follow her father's footsteps, it meant hatred, the whole Black family was hated by everyone, she was no exception. In Hogwarts though, it meant bullying, the Heir of Slytherin, the one responsible for the attacks. 

Astraea Black has spent the entire summer getting therapy from the traumatizing incident that occurred the previous year. She would wake up at night screaming or zone out during the day. She finally decided she wanted to drop out of Hogwarts.

"No", Aurora Black, her mother told her when said she wanted to drop out.

"Mother, I don't want to get back! I was already getting bullied before they have anything on me. Now my life will be living hell", Astraea pleaded.

"Then fight it", he mother said. "it was not your fault, you were deceived"

"They don't know that", Astraea said with teary eyes.

"Love, if we run away every time we face a problem, we would never stop running", Aurora said and Astraea nodded.

"You said you wanted to transfer me to Beauxbatons if the bullying got too much! They will get too much!" Astraea argued.

"Well I was wrong, running proves you are guilty which you are not"

After that conversation, Astraea decided not to drop out. However, faith had another thought. She was having breakfast, when her mother's owl came with the Daily Profit. Astraea picked it up trying to see who's the mad man on the cover page.


Sirius Black, possibly the most infamous prisoner ever to be held in Azkaban fortress, has escaped, the Ministry of Magic confirmed today.

"We are doing all we can to recapture Black," said the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, this morning, "and we beg the magical community to remain calm."

Fudge has been criticized by some members of the International Federation of Warlocks for informing the Muggle Prime Minister of the crisis.

"Well, really, I had to, don't you know," said an irritable Fudge. "Black is mad. He's a danger to anyone who crosses him, magic or Muggle. I have the Prime Minister's assurance that he will not breathe a word of Black's true identity to anyone. And let's face it — who'd believe him if he did?"

While Muggles have been told that Black is carrying a gun (a kind of metal wand that Muggles use to kill each other), the magical community lives in fear of a massacre like that of twelve years ago, when Black murdered thirteen people with a single curse.


"MOTHER", Astraea yelled. "REMUS"

"What is it?" her mother came running followed by Remus. Astraea gave them the newspaper. They widened their eyes as they read the newspaper.

"Is that real?" Astraea asked.

"I have to go to the Ministry", Aurora said hurriedly. "Remus stay with Astraea, do not leave the house. Lock the doors and windows"

Aurora hurried towards the door and apparated to the Ministry.

"Remus please tell me this might be false alarm", Astraea said shaking. 

"I don't think so love", he told her sitting down on one of the stools in the kitchen.

"I'm not going back to Hogwarts", Astraea shook her head. "There's only too much I can handle"

"Look your father-"

"Is a lunatic that escaped Azkaban and is going to hunt everyone down one by one to kill us all and then bring Voldemort back?" Astraea finished blinking fast.

"I was going to say won't hurt you", Remus said.

"Isn't that what Pettigrew thought?"

Remus sighed and stood up.

The next day, school owl came and Remus called Astraea's name.

"What?" she asked coming down. He smiled at her.

"What?" she asked again looking at him skeptical.

"Three things", Remus said smiling. "You got an owl from school and an owl from Egypt"

Astraea smiled at George's letter, then she looked at him and squinted her eyes, "What's the third thing?"

"I am officially your Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher", he smiled and Astraea squealed. He was the best teacher she had ever had, beside Minnie. After he learned that her father escaped and that Dementors will be all around, he taught her the Patronus Charm. She still yet to learn how to make a Corpeal Patronus, but she is doing well. 

"That's great news, Professor Lupin", she grinned.

"So, will you come back to Hogwarts now?" he asked.

"Yes, I know you will protect me", she smiled and went to her letters.

She was about to pick George's letter when she noticed she extra letter from Hogwarts. She picked it up to inspect it. Could Dumbeldore ask her to stay home? Or to stay lowkey and never engage in anything?

'Dear Miss Astraea Black,

I announce, and with pride, that you have been chosen by the head of your house, Professor Minnerva McGonagall to be Gryffindor's Prefect. 

Good luck!

Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy,

Albus Dumbeldore'



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