The One With The Exams: Part 1

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Astraea woke up extra early (honestly she just slept 3 hours) and went to the Great Hall to have some calm breakfast with some coffee before the exam. Once it started getting crowded, she left towards the transfiguration classroom and sat at the front not wanting to be distracted by other students.

Minnie came to class to find only Astraea there seated at the front, making bubbles come out of her wand.

"First to take the exam as usual Miss Black", McGonagall greeted her.

Astraea smiled, "Morning Minnie".

Minnie smiled and sat by her desk waiting for the rest of the class.

When the class filled, Minnie sent out apples and parchment in front of each student and stood up.

"Your final exam will include defining the hardening charm, writing down the incantation, it's phonetics, and wand movement. Once you are done, you perform it on the apple. You have an hour. Begin", as soon as Minnie finished, Astraea took her quill and began.

'Define the hardening charm: The Hardening Charm a charm that turned an object to stone'

'Incantation: Duro'

'Phonetics: DYOO-roh'

'Wand movement: D shape'

She drew arrows on her 'D' to show that the line was first from the bottom to the top then the curve. She then wrote her name on the parchment and put it aside taking out her wand and focusing on the apple.

"Duro", she whispered doing the wand movement.

She touched the apple and indeed it was like stone. She smiled and went to McGonagall handing her her exam, and the apple.

"Outstanding indeed", smiled McGonagall and Astraea's smile lighted her face.


After finishing the exam, she had and hour and a half break before charms. She used that time to go to the kitchens to get some coffee before she drops asleep.

"Hello Pitts", Astraea smiled entering the kitchens.

"Miss Black", the elf smiled. "How can I serve you?"

"Coffee please", she smiled.

The elf ran around the kitchen preparing the coffee. Once it's done, Astraea drank it feeling the caffeine waking her up. She finished the coffee, thanked Pitts and went to charms.

Astraea could hear her classmates entering the class -as usual she was the first to arrive- they were moaning on how she did horribly in Transfiguration.

"Good morning class", Professor Flitwick squeaked. "In this exam you will partner up to each perform the binding curse on the other. I will choose the partners".

Everyone groaned since they can't be partnered with the person of their choice. Flitwick decided to put each Gryffindor with a Ravenclaw. To her dismay, she was partnered with Aidan O'Brian.

"Hey Black", he greeted.

"Let's get this done with", she said sternly.

"I want to apologize, I really am sorry", he said sincerely.

"I'm sorry too", she smiled.

"Truce?" he asked

"Truce", she smiled. "You go first"

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