The One With The Pixies

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He bent down behind his desk and lifted a large, covered cage onto it. 

"Now — be warned! It is my job to arm you against the foulest creatures known to wizard kind! You may find yourselves facing your worst fears in this room. Know only that no harm can befall you whilst I am here. All I ask is that you remain calm." 

Lockhart placed a hand on the cover. Fred and George had stopped laughing now. Lee was cowering in his front row seat. 

"I must ask you not to scream," said Lockhart in a low voice. "It might provoke them." 

As the whole class held its breath, Lockhart whipped off the cover.

"Yes," he said dramatically. "Freshly caught Cornish pixies." Fred couldn't control himself. He let out a snort of laughter that even Lockhart couldn't mistake for a scream of terror.

"Yes?" He smiled at Fred.

"Well, they're not — they're not very — dangerous, are they?" Fred choked.

"Don't be so sure!" said Lockhart, waggling a finger annoyingly at Fred. "Devilish tricky little blighters they can be!"

The pixies were electric blue and about eight inches high, with pointed faces and voices so shrill it was like listening to a lot of budgies arguing. The moment the cover had been removed, they had started jabbering and rocketing around, rattling the bars and making bizarre faces at the people nearest them.

"Right, then," Lockhart said loudly. "Let's see what you make of them!" 

And he opened the cage. It was pandemonium. The pixies shot in every direction like rockets. Two of them seized Neville by the ears and lifted him into the air. Several shot straight through the window, showering the back row with broken glass. The rest proceeded to wreck the classroom more effectively than a rampaging rhino. They grabbed ink bottles and sprayed the class with them, shredded books and papers, tore pictures from the walls, upended the wastebasket, grabbed bags and books and threw them out of the smashed window; within minutes, half the class was sheltering under desks and Neville was swinging from the iron chandelier in the ceiling.

"Come on now — round them up, round them up, they're only pixies," Lockhart shouted. He rolled up his sleeves, brandished his wand, and bellowed, "Peskipiksi Pesternomi!"

It had absolutely no effect; one of the pixies seized his wand and threw it out of the window, too. Lockhart gulped and dived under his own desk, narrowly avoiding being squashed by Neville, who fell a second later as the chandelier gave way. The bell rang and there was a mad rush toward the exit. In the relative calm that followed, Lockhart straightened up, caught sight of Astraea, who was almost at the door, and said, "Well, I'll ask you to just nip the rest of them back into their cage." 

"Filipendo", she yelled at one Pixie trying to torment a first year old at the hallway. "Fuck this, Immobilize"

All Pixies were frozen midair. One by one, she put them in the cage sighing in frustration.


Astraea retreated to the Great Hall to see everyone sitting and murmuring. With her diary, she smacked the back of Fred and George's heads causing them to nearly choke.

"What the fuck?" she yelled.

"What the fuck us? What the fuck you?" George yelled back.

"You left me alone in the classroom with the Pixies", she exclaimed.

"We thought you were right behind us", Fred replied.

"Behind you? Bullshit" she snarled.

Before they could say anything, Astraea stormed out of the Great Hall towards the Astronomy Tower.

'Tom, you here?' she wrote.

'Of course' he wrote back.

'My friends abandoned me in Defense Against the Dark Arts, even the Professor abandoned me, I was left alone with crazy Pixies'

'Did you get hurt?!'

'No, but I don't know! I feel like I don't matter'

Tom did not reply which made Astraea feel more self conscious.

'Forget it I'm being dramatic'

'You are not being dramatic; if something hurts you, it hurts you'

'But I shouldn't feel abandoned'

'Answer me this: is any of those friends a someone extra special?'

Astraea blushed. When it took her a moment to reply, he wrote, 'Come on I am supposed to be your diary'

'I guess George'

'Ah so you feel betrayed because you are afraid the feelings are not mutual'

'I know George and I will never be an item; I am way too corrupted and bad news'

'Don't say that, never let your family's mistake stop you from being you'

'It's more than that... It's a long story'

'I don't know about you, but I have eternity'

'I don't feel like writing, I wish we can talk like actually talk'

'I think I have a way. Go to your dorm and tell me when you're there'



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