The One With The Bet

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Everyone was in the Great Hall when a piece of parchment appeared in front of everyone.

Final Exams Result

"Oh no", Fred muttered.

"Crap", George said.

"Please tell me you at least passed three exams", Astraea groaned.

"I passed history of magic", George smiled and Astraea chuckled.

"'Raea", she heard Hermione.

She looked at her.

"I've got the best marks in my year", she said enthusiastically.

"Excellent job", Astraea praised.

"Tell us yours", George said.

"300% Charms

300% Transfiguration

300% Divination

300% History of magic

180% Potions, expected less

300% Arthmancy

300% Astronomy

300% Defense against the dark arts

200% Muggle studies

300% Care of Magical Creatures.

300% Herbology

100% Ancient runes, bitch

which makes them all a total of 2,880 out of 3,300"

"Honestly, how?" Fred stared at her.

"She failed me in ancient runes", Astraea was glaring at her grades.

"You got the highest mark, like ever", George exclaimed.

"She failed me", Astraea kept saying.

"You even got the highest potion mark", Leslie commented from behind her. 

"The fuck you want?" she glared at him.

"Honestly, to see who got the highest mark", he smiled. "You apparently"

"Not in the class", she frowned.

"Yes, maybe in all of Hogwarts", Diggory said.

"No way", she frowned. "She failed me in Ancient Runes"

"Would you drop that?" Angelina groaned.

"Wanna make a bet?" Fred smirked.

"Sweetheart last time we made a bet, the whole school laughed at you", Astraea smirked back causing everyone to giggle in memory.

"Well then, we will bet", Fred said blushing a bit. "If I win, you spend the summer at the burrow"

"Not all summer, I have a family you know", she frowned.

"Alright, not all summer, however, you do everything I say while you are there"

"Not all summer and you get three requests"

"Deal", Fred smiled

"However, if I win," Astraea smirked. "you dye your hair pink"

Everyone ooohh'ed waiting for Fred. Astraea extended her hand smirking waiting for Fred who had the look of horror on his face.

"Deal", Fred smirked shaking her hand making everyone cheer. Secretly, everyone is hoping for Astraea to win, so that they can see Fred with pink hair. Mainly to know which is Fred and which is George.

Astraea and Fred stood up when Cedric stopped them.

"You can't do this", he said

"Why not Diggory", Astraea frowned.

"Because everyone knows you need witness to do that, how will we believe you?" he smirked

"Aye that's the spirit", George yelled and everyone cheered. It was weird no one came to shush them.

"Fine you pick two, I'll pick two", Fred said

"George, Lee, and Angelina are not allowed", Astraea said and everyone agreed but the three.

"No fun", George murmured

"And no relatives", Fred said smirking at Tonks who laughed.

"Quick morph", Astraea exclaimed and everyone laughed.

"Okay, I pick Tyler Leslie and Oliver Wood", Fred smirked 

Leslie fist bumped and Oliver rolled his eyes but smiled nonetheless.

"Slytherin eh? That's a first. Alright, I pick Cedric Diggory and Aidan O'Brian", Astraea said and everyone looked shocked given the history between her and O'Brian.

"Let's gooooo", George yelled and the six of them went to Dumbeldore's office.

"Password", the statue said.

"Okay what's the plan genius?" Wood asked.

"Let me think", Astraea said. 

"Password", the statue said again.

"Yes I know", she replied rolling her eyes.

"Black Pepper Imps", she said and the statue opened revealing stairs.

"How did you do that?" Cedric asked in awe.

"Yes Dumbeldore changes the password a lot", O'Brian continued. 

"I just do", she said and they marched to Dumbeldore's office.

Astraea knocked at the door and heard Dumbeldore say, "Come in Miss Black"

"Not the first time I see?" Leslie asked and Astraea smiled sheepishly.

"Good morning Professor Dumbeldore", Astraea greeted walking in. "How are you on this fine day?"

"Miss Black and fellow friends", Dumbeldore greeted. "Ah look, Mr. Weasley, Mr. Wood, Mr. Diggory, Mr. O'Brian and Mr. Leslie"

"All houses are here, you didn't get into a fight did you?" he asked them.

"On the contrary Professor", Leslie replied.

"Astraea and Fred have made a bet and we are the witnesses", O'Brian continued.

"Professor", Astraea started. "Fred hear has bet me that I scored the highest marks not only in our year, but in all of Hogwarts. Can you tell him that this is utter nonsense?"

"Well, Miss Black", Dumbeldore said. "I would've if he wasn't correct"

Astraea's jaw dropped. Fred cheered while everyone looked disappointed.

"May I ask what is the reward?" Dumbeldore asked smiling.

"If Fred to win, Astraea must spend part of the summer at his house and grant him three requests", Cedric said.

"However, if Astraea won, Fred must dye his hair pink", Leslie said with a sad sigh

"Oh if I had know, I would've made sure Miss Black won", Dumbeldore smiled and everyone laughed. "However, you did won Miss Black. You got Brains, Courage, Guts, Good heart and Empathy. And that my dear, is the win".

Astraea was in tears.

They were on their way back to tell everyone who won when Astraea muttered, "I can't believe that bitch failed me"

Everyone groaned.

"I'm dropping it next year"



866 words

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