The One With the Dementor

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Astraea was seated in her compartment, playing Truth or Dare with the twins, Lee Jordan and Angelina.

"A'ight', said Fred. "Truth or dare 'Raea"

"Truth", she smiled.

"Boo lame", Fred groaned. "Fine. What's the most embarrassing moment in your life?"

Astraea thought for a while, "I have to say when my mother caught me when I snuck out of the house"

"What's the deal with that story?" George asked.

"Oh no my turn to ask", she smirked.

"Lee, truth or dare?" she asked Lee Jordan.

"Dare", she smirked earning a bunch of ooh's.

"I dare you to", she pretended to think. "ask Minnie out"

Everyone laughed hard at that, especially at Lee's facial expression.

"You want me to earn detention, don't you?"

"Oh I don't have to do that anymore", she smiled. "I can give you one"

"Prefect", he mocked.

"Fine I'll do it", he sighed. "Angelina truth or-"

Suddenly, the train stopped.

"Have we arrived?" asked Angelina.

"Not possible", Fred said.

George held Astraea's hand, rubbing his thumb gently on her hand.

"I'll check it out", Astraea said standing, but George wouldn't let her hand go.

"George", she said trying to pull her hand out.

Then, without warning, all the lamps went out and they were plunged into total darkness.

"What the hell?" Astraea said, finally being able to remove her hand from George's grasp.

There was a squeaking sound, and Astraea saw the dim black outline of Fred, wiping a patch clean on the window and peering out.

"There's something moving out there," Fred said. "I think people are coming aboard. . . ."

"Not possible", Angelina said moving to check out the people with him.

"I'll be back", Astraea said. "Lumos", she lighted her wand and opened the door.

It was freezing cold and people were murmuring. Someone suddenly bumped into Astraea, she moved her wand to see her cousin, Draco Malfoy, scared as hell with Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy.

"What are you doing?" she whispered yelled.

"D-D-Dementors", he stuttered afraid.


Suddenly, a cloaked figure appeared that towered to the ceiling. Its face was completely hidden beneath its hood. There was a hand protruding from the cloak and it was glistening, grayish, slimy-looking, and scabbed, like something dead that had decayed in water. . . .

Suddenly, the third years screamed and ran inside Astraea's compartment. She followed them and raised her wand towards the door. The dementor followed them opening the door.

The thing beneath the hood, whatever it was, drew a long, slow, rattling breath, as though it were trying to suck something more than air from its surroundings. Everyone was shaking. Happy thoughts, Astraea remembered Remus' lecture.

The dementor was closing up on her when she said, "Expecto Patronum".

White light shone from her wand and the dementor ran away. She let out a breath she did not know she was holding.

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