The One With The Prefect

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"What is it?" Remus asked her. She kept reading the letter over and over, making sure she reading correctly. Finally, she gave it to Remus and went to look inside the envelope to see the prefect badge.

"Astraea that's great", Remus beamed.

"I am the most fucked up person ever", she said.

"Language", Remus scolded. "Besides, I was the most fucked up person ever, yet I made it as prefect"

"I thought we shouldn't say that word", Astraea sassed. 

Remus just smiled.

She inspected the badge and smiled. She sure as hell won't hear the end of it from George and Fred. GEORGE!

She picked up his letter and opened it

'Dear Astraea,

I miss you like hell! Egypt is awesome and would be perfect if you were with me. We are coming back next week and will be staying at the Leaky Cauldron with Harry. Try convincing your mother to join us. Guess who made it head-boy? Yep, Percy. 

Oh, Fred and I changed our hair, you would love it.

Love you,



Her mother agreed to take her to the Leaky Cauldron since she has to get her books and Remus was busy getting ready to go back to Hogwarts.

"Mother", Astraea started when they reached the Leaky Cauldron. "Do you think Harry will hate me?"

"I wish I had the answer", Aurora gave her a tight smile.

"We want to check in", Aurora told the guy standing there.

"Mrs. Black?" he asked and Astraea felt uncomfortable. "We already have a room for you, the Minister called us"

They nodded and followed Tom upstairs.

"I told you he is not here", she heard Mrs. Weasley say.

"Well let's search for him", she heard Ron say.

"Search for whom?" Astraea asked. Suddenly, she felt suffocated by all the hugs she got.

She then locked eyes with George and damn he looked good. His hair was longer and he got hella taller. He definitely got tanned and freckles covered his face. Fred cleared his throat to stop the staring between Astraea and George.

"Come on", Fred said grabbing Astraea's arm and pushing her into his room.

"Okay you two", Fred said looking at them. "Everyone knows you are dating, but your PDA should naturally be low to non existent"

They looked at him confused.

"So", he continued. "I will turn around and let you make out for about five minutes, just so I don't have to deal with the tension"

Astraea smiled at Fred, making a note to thank him later with something. Then as Fred turned around, she faced George.

"I've missed you", he said.

"Me too", she blushed. Then, his lips were on hers. True to his words, five minutes later, Fred cleared his throat and turned around. They parted and looked at him gratefully.

"Thank you Fred", Astraea smiled.

"Yeah yeah whatever", he mumbled.

"Come on", she said standing up and holding George's hand. "I'm treating you to ice cream"


"To thank you for caring"


Few minutes later, they were walking to the ice cream shop in Diagon Ally. Astraea ordered chocolate mint flavor and they sat outside eating.

"How are you feeling?" George asked her.

Astraea stared at her ice cream for a while, then looked at them.

"I have to tell you too something, but you have to promise me to take it easy on me", she looked at them.

They narrowed their eyes.

"You know we won't judge", George said grabbing her hand

"'Raea you are our friend, well my friend, you can tell us anything", Fred said.

"I am a prefect", she said pursing her lips. They stared at each other for a while and then burst into laughing.

"Prefect?" Fred asked laughing. "You? Following rules and disciplining those who don't?"

"You will punish those who make pranks?" George asked laughing.

Astraea sighed and nodded her head in defeat. Just letting them finish teasing.

"You done?" she asked and they nodded still chuckling.

"Good", she said. "As you idiots are going to tease me, I won't let you in the prefect bathroom and I won't cover for you"

They stared at her loss at words and she grinned.

"Congratulations on being prefect", Fred smiled.

"Babe I never doubted you could be in such an amazing position", George said pecking her lips.

"Douch bags", she muttered.


Few minutes later, the three met with Mrs. Weasley, Ginny, Percy, and Aurora to go get their Hogwarts books. Mrs. Weasley was gushing over Astraea's prefect position and Percy spent the entire time, giving her tips. George kept looking at her and thinking funny thoughts and comments making her want to laugh. That bastard.

'Ask how many times should you polish the badge before it becomes good to wear', Astraea chuckled.

"You find losing house points due to not following your prefect duties funny? I am your head-boy and I will not be merciful", Percy said.

"Perce", Astraea said. "The fact that you are the head-boy, as in you will be there to guide me and help me, is what makes this easier"

Percy was at shock for words.

"Of course I will help you", he smiled.

"Perhaps you will give me tips on how to become head-girl", she joked.

He looked at her stunned, "I did not know you wanted that, you seemed to be always making fun of me".

"That does not make your ambitions wrong or that I don't share them"

They entered the bar and saw Harry, Ron and Hermione talking with Mr. Weasley. Upon seeing Harry, Astraea froze like reality finally hit her. Her father caused the death of his parents.



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