The One With The Second Attack

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Tom wasn't letting Astraea go back without an explanation, she tried to convince him that he is better off not knowing. However, being the caring boyfriend he is, insisted. So, she ended up telling him. He tried convincing her that it was just a dream, but to no success. Therefore, there she is, running the Halls of Hogwarts towards Minnie's dorm when she ran into someone.

"I am so sorry", she said in a hurry. She saw it was Snape.

"Out of bed I see", he snarled. "10-"

"Deduct later please, I need to see Professor Dumbeldore", she pleaded out 

"Why?" he furrowed his eyebrows.

"I think a student has been attacked", she said frightened.

He widened his eyes, grabbed her arm and ran towards the Minnie's dorm and knocked hard and loud.

"Merlin Severus it's 2 in morning", she mumbled, dressed in her sleeping robes and her hair was out of the bun. Any other situation, Astraea would have commented, but she was too scared.

"Black thinks a student is attacked and was going to see the headmaster", Snape said.

"What?" Minnie asked.

"Look with all due respect, I don't know if I can explain, but the headmaster will understand", Astraea said voice quivering.

"Where did it happen?" Minnie asked.

"Near the hospital wing, Colin Creevey", Astraea said shaking.

"Severus, take her there to check and I'll get Albus", Minnie said and Snape nodded walking with Astraea.

It was a two minute walk, but Astraea felt like hours. Every step was making her shake more and her legs to tremble. They finally reached and it's like cold water was dumped on Astraea; there was Collin Creevey, on the floor, like a statue, camera to his face, the same way Astraea dreamed. 

She sobbed falling next to him and Snape crouched next to her.

"Black", he said surprisingly softly. "Calm down"

"It's my fault", she sobbed

He hesitantly put a hand on her shoulder, "How is that possible?"

"I dreamed about this, if I had ran here instead I could have saved him"

"Maybe yes, maybe no", Dumbeldore said from behind startling Astraea.

"Professor", she started.

"It's okay Miss Black", Dumbeldore said. "Reporting it was the best you could do"

Astraea watched as Dumbeldore inspected Collin.

"Alright, Severus, escort Miss Black to her dorm and make sure no one comes this way. Minerva help me take Mr. Creevey to the hospital", Dumbeldore said.

The way back was filled with silence and all Astraea could think about is how this is her fault.


The sun rose and Astraea found herself still sitting the Common Room, she hadn't gone to bed last night. She wrote Tom telling him that her dream was true and shut the diary. She was frightened! Something connected her to the attacks, to the beast. The slightest thought of her being the one attacking, made her want to vomit.

"Morning sunshine", George said. She looked at him and couldn't fake a smile.

"Everything alright?" he asked and she nodded.

"Want to head for breakfast?" she shook her head.

'Here we go again with her issues' she heard his thoughts and it broke her heart.

"Just go I'll be okay", she muttered.

'Finally', she heard him think

She closed her eyes and sighed.

'What will we eat for breakfast?'

'Do I have to study for my O.W.L.S this soon?'

'Will I be head boy next year?'

'Will I be the next victim?'

'Will half-bloods be attacked too?'

'Where is my brother?'

Everyone's thoughts were suddenly too loud, Astraea had to cover her ears trying to reduce the sounds, to no avail.

A hand touched her shoulder, startling her. She looked up to see Hermione and Ron.

"Everything alright?" Hermione asked with concern.

"I'm improving my telepathy, I'm able to turn it on and off, but sometimes I can't", Astraea smiled.

'You look like crap' she heard Ron's thoughts.

"Thanks Ron", she smiled sarcastically.

"Sorry", Ron mumbled.

"Listen, Professor McGonagall told Professor Flitwick that Colin Creeveys was attacked", Hermione whispered. Astraea nodded.

'We need to work on the Polyjuice Potion' she continued in her head.

"New way to communicate", Astraea chuckled and Hermione smiled.

"Let's go", Astraea stood up.

'Don't you want to shower?' she heard Ron's thoughts

"You're right Ron", Astraea shook her head. "Wait for few minutes"

Thank god no one can hear her thoughts!



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