The One With The Lie

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It was ten pm when Astraea decided to actually go to Poppy's. She took the note and went out of the portrait.

"Student out of bed", she heard Filch say coming her way.

"Relax I've got a note", she rolled her eyes.

"What note?" he snarled

"This note", she imitated him.

'Dear Miss Black,

Please see me as soon as you are out of calming draught and started to feel out of shape again. Need to remind you that not sleeping for THREE DAYS is not a good thing.

Madam Pomfrey (Poppy)'

"How do I know you are not lying?" Filch asked.

"Come with me then", she smiled sarcastically.

Filch escorted her to the hospital where Poppy greeted her with a smile.

"Ah you finally gave up and came", she laughed a bit.

"There was a mistake in your note Poppy", Astraea smiled a bit. "Not three days, five"

"Oh you poor child"

"Believe me now Filch?" Astraea addressed the man.

He just started mumbling profanities and left.

"Have you talked to your mother?" Poppy asked Astraea while brewing the potion.


"You should"

"Not you again", Astraea raised her voice. "She has been lying to me all my life, she made me take a potion to weaken my magic and stop me from being metamorphmagus. What else? Is my father innocent and was put in Azkaban unfairly?"

"Has she contacted you?"

"Several times"

"Have you replied?"


"What about Remus? Has he wrote?"


"Have you replied?"

"No, family of liars"


Astraea was on her way from the Hospital Wing when she heard a scream coming from the outside. She took out her wand from her boots and tried to see what's going on. Suddenly Draco ran inside screaming.

"What happened to you? Calm down", she tried to calm him

"Monster.... Drinking unicorn blood.... Attacked us", he rambled panicking.

"Who's us?", she asked.

"Harry", he was visibly shaken.

"Here drink a sip", she offered him some calming draught. "Merlin knows you need it more than I do".

He drank a sip and started to calm down.

"You good? Great. Go tell Snape", she told him and walked towards the forest.

She walked for five minutes when she saw Harry, Hermione and Hagrid.

"Harry James Potter", she called his name angrily. "Have you no shame?"

"I can-"

"How many points should we lose for you to get responsible?" she interrupted him.

"We were serving detention", harry explained with panicked eyes.


"It's true", Hagrid said. "Professor McGonagall's orders".

"Well what happened?" she asked.

"I saw Voldemort", Harry said causing Hagrid to wince.

"Impossible", she shook her head.

"He was drinking unicorn's blood and attacked me", he explained further.


The next day, everyone cleared path for the furious Astraea Aurora Black.  She was marching the castle with a scary look on her face. She didn't stop until she reached McGonagall's office where she just entered uninvited.

"Are you out of your mind?" she yelled as soon as she entered.

"Miss Black, how could-"

"How could I? How could you? Sending three eleven years old into the Forbidden Forest at eleven in the evening", she interrupted her still yelling.

"Miss Black lower your voice or I-"

"What will you do? Huh? Detect points? Send me to my own death? I don't care! Do your worst"

"I'm warning you-"

"No I'm warning you Professor, if our Prefects are cowards and won't stand up to the Professors when they have done students wrong, I will! You were right with detecting points and right with detention, but for Merlin's beard, the Forbidden Forrest? It's Forbidden!"

"I knew what I was doing"

"Well I hope you know that your students were attacked by a cloaked monster drinking unicorn blood! And if wasn't for the centaurs, Harry would've DIED!"

With that Astraea stormed out.

After that outburst, Astraea went to the Astronomy Tower and began to cry. She misses her friends dearly, but she fucked up. Her father, Harry, George, her friends, exams, her mother, Remus, McGonagall,..... Everything was too much.

After she calmed down a bit, she went to the common room where she saw the twins whispering, deciding she should say hi and apologize, she approached them. However, their conversation peaked her interest.

"What are we going to tell her mother?" Fred whispered.

"Aren't you at least worried about her?" George asked.

"Of course I am", Fred defended. "Just her mother is expecting updates".

"I know", George replied. "I think we should tell her mother we can't do that anymore"

"We've been doing that for years, why stop now? Her mother is just worried"

"How do you think she would feel if she knew this?"

"I know, but she trusts us to tell us everything"

"To think this friendship started because her mother asked our mother"

"Yeah I don't think alone we could've made it"

"So all of this was a lie huh?" Astraea finally spoke with tears in her eyes.

"'Raea", George started.

"And I came to apologize", she started crying.

"We can explain", Fred said.

"No need", she sniffled. "I heard it all"

She ran to her room and locked herself in the bathroom. She curled on the floor and started sobbing. She called out her father's name, hoping somehow he could hear her. And then, she saw it. The shiny razor sitting on the sink. She took it then,

One cut

Two cuts 

Three cuts

Four cuts

'No one wants me anyways'



912 words

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