73 - Love, Amateur Style

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Kacchan woke up first. The boy rubbed his eyes and gazed at the ceiling, swiping his phone off the nightstand to check the time. 5:25 a.m. Fuck, I have to go back home soon or that old hag'll burn me at the stake.

After dramatically sighing, Kacchan read the messages from his wingman.

Kirishima: Did you have a fun night with Haruki? Best night of your life, no doubt! You holding her tight and giving her lots of kisses? Just make sure to be gentle. Don't wanna break her. Text me, dude!

It took all the strength in the world not to blow up the phone.

"Damn Shitty Hair," cursed the spiky-haired gremlin, unable to stop his blush.

Kacchan's short reply: Mind your own fucking business!!

Something shifted in the sheets beside him. Turning to look, he let out a gasp.

I was curled up against him sound asleep, lips parted, my chest rising and falling steadily. One of my hands gripped his shirt. He held the other to play with my fingers and trace the lines of my palm with his thumb. Our legs were tangled together.


He moved the strands of hair out of my face, leaned over, and softly pressed his lips to my forehead. He silently admired my peaceful face, the image of me in a dream-filled slumber too damn cute to cause any kind of disturbance. Of course, that was far easier said than done.

It looks like someone made her, Kacchan thought to himself as he inched closer, staring as I snoozed away. His arms snaked their way around my waist. Like a real angel. God, she's so fucking cute.

For the first time ever, he finally got to hold me so close. He finally got to sleep with me in his arms. He finally got to confess his feelings, the feelings harbored since our elementary school years, the feelings that made him unconsciously think "I love her" each time he looked at me.

I even got to kiss her, Kacchan thought to himself, almost in disbelief, as he gazed at my lips. Though he'd die before admitting it, he feared the chance of being pushed away. He feared his feelings not being reciprocated by the person he loved most in the world.

The possibility scared him shitless, so to him, last night felt almost surreal.

I can't believe this is happening.

Unable to resist any longer, Kacchan leaned into my neck and planted soft kisses wherever his lips could reach. He worked his way up to my jawline, cheeks, lips, and forehead, returning to my lips for every other kiss.

The girl of my fucking dreams. Haru... My Haru.

I stirred to the feeling of his wild hair tickling my face and neck.

"Ka...Kacchan...?" I wiggled in the grip of the human heater. "That... That tickles... Stop that..." A giggle escaped me. I lightly pushed against his head and shoulders, but with his brute strength, I had no chance of overpowering him.

"You're too cute, Haru," he mumbled against my skin. "Seriously, how the fuck are you so cute?"

Giving up, I maneuvered to look at Kacchan in all of his adorable sleepiness. "Sorry. I'm not trying."

"Don't apologize, idiot." He kissed my forehead once more before pulling away and looking down at me. With a tiny smirk, he asked, "So, did you sleep alright? I didn't squeeze you too hard, did I?"

It was like watching the sun come up. His muscular torso was the perfect target for my empty hands. His lips were full, smooth, and utterly kissable. His light hair poked out in all directions and was mussed in a way that made him look even more irresistible. The handsome boy was potent enough, but when he turned his cocky grin on me and blinked his crimson eyes, I was dumbstruck. I bit my lip.

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