Isn't She Lovely - Chapter 49

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Flight 188 to London is boarding now" The intercom called.  I grabbed my bag and picked Robby up, and Shawna followed behind. It had been almost a  month since Harry left, he had come back on one of the weekends but he was completely exhausted.  He kept his promises though, we skyped as much as we could and he sang Robby to sleep almost every night, sometimes Robby would fall asleep before Harry could get the time to but then Harry would  still sing me to sleep.  I passed the guard Robby and I passports along with our tickets and he let us past the gate.  This was Robby's first flight and we were both nervous, him because of actually going on the plane and me because I was going back to Holmes-chapel.  The boys had decided to end their tour with doing shows at each of their home towns and Harry's was the last. It was a long weekend so I had time off school  so there was nothing stopping us from going. I brought Shawna with because she had always wanted to go to a One Direction concert and England so what’s better then a concert in England.  Her and Niall have been tweeting each other a bit and chatting on skype occasionally, they both say they are just friends but I out of all people no how easy it is to fall for a friend. 

" I'm so excited to see Harry" I beamed, I was almost crying of happiness even though I still had a long flight ahead of me. 

" I bet, I miss Niall a bit and I hardly knew him" Shawna agreed. Robby was looking out the window, nervous about take off.  He had actually grown a bit while Harry was gone, he was turning two soon so hopefully Harry and I can meet up again then.  He was just the tiniest bit taller, he walked better and spoke better, time passes so fast. 

" Come on sit still, get your seat belt on" I told him, well pulling his seatbelt across him and buckling it.

" I'm scared" he said. 

" Don't be! Remember we are going to blast off into the air like a spaceship and then we will see daddy"  I explained it to him like Harry did. I think I'm  better at being the strict parent and Harry's better at relating to Robby, either way it works out well. 

" Yay daddy!" Robby screamed causing everyone on the plane to look at us. 

" Shh." I giggled. " I am excited to see him to but how about we just try and sleep and when we wake up we will see daddy"  I explained. I had purposely gotten us a flight at night so that instead of restlessly sitting on the plane we could sleep. I don't see how Harry can stand travelling so much.  I pulled my iPod on and clicked on a  One Direction song, laid my head back and slowly fell asleep to the sound of the boy's voices. 

" Mommy were here, were here" Robby nudged me rapidly. " the space ship is landing!" I could hear people chuckle around us. I quickly  woke up and turned off my iPod.  I could tell by the tiredness and redness in Robby's eyes that barely slept a wink. He was probably to excited. I was excited to see Harry.  I was as eager as a little kid as i waited or the plane to fully land and connect to the terminal. I was tapping my leg quickly and smiling so much I probably looked like a psycho.  As soon as we were allowed to get off the plane, I threw my bag on my back, picked up Robby and grabbed Shawna's arm rushing us through the crowd. The sooner we got through baggage claim the sooner I saw Harry.

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