Isn't She Lovely - Chapter 4

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A/N: Hey guys so I actaully updated on time!! Woohoo! Although i think I will ahve explaining  to my Math and History teachers why my homework and assignments are not finsihed. I tried working on them but all I could think about was this story. 

I've been asked if a lot of this story is going to be in their past and to answer honestly YES over 80% of this story is in their past becuase this is their story. Their will be a few chapters in the present though so don't worry.  Other then the first chapter, if it's in the present I'll label  it  *present* at the beginning of the chapter.  I am pretty sure it easy enough to follow along but correct me if I am wrong.

"Knock knock," Harry  chimed while peaking his head in my door.

" Don't come in, they're horrible" I stated my mouth a little numb from the dentist still. I changed back into my pyjamas and did not plan on seeing anyone or going out for the next year or so. Well in the perfect life I wouldn’t see anyone till these were off my teeth but in reality I would have to go back to school when the weekend ended. That was something I wasn’t looking forward too.

"Come on they can't be that bad"  I turned around and smiled at him, finally showing him the braces that I had to get. My smile wasn't horrible before just a little crooked.

"How do they look?" 

" Shiney?" he asked. 

" Come on call be 'metal mouth', 'brace face'. Just get the jokes over and done with" 

" What kind of person do you think I am?" he stepped back putting his hand up to his chest, pretending to be hurt. I smiled and pulled him into a hug, Harry was truly the best friend anyone could ask for. " I am way more original, I didn’t know Iron-man was a girl! 'Tinsel Teeth'... 'train tracks'…" he added. I glared at him. I tried to think a of a mean nickname to suit him but something told me perfect smile or mesmerizing eyes wouldn’t offend him and could be potentially awkward

" Okay, I am done" he smirked " they aren't bad at all"

" Thanks for trying" I smiled.

" Woah, are you trying to blind me, watch when you smile 'Tin Grin', those things reflect!" he joked again covering his eyes.. I glared at him even more, and started tickling him. Harry feel to the ground, he is a very ticklish person.

"I'm sorry we can't all have perfect teeth" I teased him about his cheeky smile and pinched his dimples.

" Okay, okay I am done. I'm serious this time" He said between giggles. He was rolling on the floor admitting defeat, then  he push me off of him and sat on my holding my arms done. Harry had strength that's all he had on me though cause I'm not ticklish. " besides I've got massive news that will turn your day around" he grinned.

" I won't tell you, unless you can get me off of you" Great I was hopeless.

"Please tell me?" I begged Harry to tell me, we were just normal fifteen year olds so anything that happened in this small town was exciting.

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