Isn't She Lovely - Chapter 36

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“ Harry has no idea?”  Shawna studied Robby as he watched television. 

“ No”  

“ How did this all happen, I mean I know how it happened…I mean why?” She asked.   I had never told any of my friends the truth,  not even Danielle back when we were friends. I wondered how she was doing,  when I cut off contact with the boys I also stopped talking to Danielle.  Who was probably there for me the most through the whole  Harry phase of my life. 

*Flash back*

“ How did we get so lucky?” Danielle asked as we put our  food in the garbage, as she referred to our wonderful/complicated boyfriends. “Look at the time we have to get back to the room and get you all dolled up!”

“ We have a few hours…?”

“ Well you need to shower, I need to do your hair and make-up and we need to find a pair of shoes I brought that go with you dress. Trust me we are behind in time!” She yanked my  arm all the way out to the car. 

“ Can we just make a quick stop here” I pointed out the car window. “ I promise after this  you can do my hair and make-up all you want to.”  I joked. 

"  Okay you took forever!" She exclaimed  as I got back in the car. " What took you so long? What’s in the bag"

" Something."   I stated not wanting to explain everything to her,  so I do what Harry does  when he doesn't want people to ask anymore question. he just winks and everyone just assumes it's something they don't want to know, so I winked at Danielle.

" Oooh" She winked back at me. " Wait I thought you said you had your 'Aunt Flow' " She hinted as if other people could hear even though it was just us in the car.

" I do."  

" Then what did you get" She grabbed the bag out of my hand excited  but when she looked in the contagious smile fell off her face. " Your aunt flow is a bit late with her visit...isn't she." she frowned.

" Yea"  I looked down at my feet in the car.

" Sare, you should have told me. We're friends  and friends are there for each other."

" I just didn't want to be judged. It feels like since I started dating Harry all I have been is judged. Your the only person, other then the boys, that really treats me the same and I didn't want that to change." I explained.

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