Defining Moments

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Everyone's life has moments that define you, and who you become. I don't regret any choice I've made in my life, but the last year I traveled had more defining moments than I'd like to count.

I sat staring at the scroll Itachi gave me. Can I really trust him? He seemed so cold and distant, but yet, I found myself trusting him. A true rogue nin. Deserter if the Leaf. Sigh.

I opened the scroll to see it was a sealing scroll. After weaving the correct hand signs, I unsealed it. I didn't know how to react. Do I throw it? Do I break it? Trash it? Kill myself with it? Sitting in front of me was a tanto I knew all too well.

Shisui's tanto.

I picked up the short blade and unsheathed it. I looked at my reflection in the stunted blade. I don't deserve this. Shisui. I held the cold metal against my left forearm. Tilting it, ever so slightly, I saw the crimson liquid pool. I didn't even flinch as I drug it across my skin.


I refused to cry. I flung the tanto away in haste. It was imbedded in the wall of the inn with a loud thud. I cleaned my new cut and bandaged my arm. The pain making me remember that I am indeed alive. I am living this life alone. This kunoichi life that I asked for. Begged for. All to prove a point. Who was I trying to prove the point to anymore?

Until I can think of Shisui without crying, or getting angry, I cannot go home. I twirled the ring around my neck, it clinking against the charm Kakashi gave me.


I smiled softly, remembering my last night home. His home. He embraced me so tenderly. The seemingly wild, untamable, Kakashi Hatake, embraced me. Not yet. I can't go home yet. The bitter taste of the truth coated my tongue.

Defined: Cannot let go of the past. Cannot move forward. Has depression issues that lead to self harm. I must let go, in order to move on.

______________ TIME SKIP _____________

I walked in the pouring rain. Hood of my cloak pulled up, cowl snug against my face. I had sealed my quiver and bow away. Traveling with just my pack, kunai pouch and newly acquired tanto.

Suddenly, I sensed a presence. I flung a kunai in the direction of the perpetrator. *tink* the sound of metal against metal. A man appeared before me, drenched to the bone.

"I mean no harm. I'm simply traveling to the closest village." I could see his Konohagakure hitai-ate.

I know this man.

"You're a Leaf Shinobi?" I wanted to confirm.

"Yes. Do I know you?"

I reached into my cloak slowly, digging in my hip pouch. I pulled my hitai-ate out.

"You're from Konoha too?"

"Yes. You're... Genma?"

"Who are you?"

"The village isn't far, let's head there."

Genma seemed to hesitate, but followed none the less. I took in his appearance. His chestnut hair seemed darker with the rain, sticking to his face and neck. His signature senbon between his kissable lips. His arm muscles looked amazing with how his shirt was clinging to him.

Once we arrived at the village, I led us towards a small restaurant. I took the time to remove my cloak and hang it next to the booth. Genma removed his vest and hung it as well.

I shook my head, allowing my now free h/c hair to cascade around me. His eyes scanned my body as I slid into one side of the booth. He sat across from me.

Mysterious Kunoichi (Part 1 of 2 in the MK Series)Where stories live. Discover now