🦃A Ketterdamian thank you🦃

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Thanksgiving chapter! This is following the events of "Happy Hal- Holidays,"

Kaz grumbled, his face was bruised from when Jesper had tackled him down, and having grabbed his arms Kaz had face planted and gotten a black eye and a bruised jaw. The true wound was his ego, but his arrogance and pride could be brought down a little anyway. Inej was in the kitchen peeling potatoes and making idle conversation with Kaz as he pressed an ice pack to his face.

"How are you feeling?"
"Like my head was rammed into the floor, Inej. Took your time coming to help."
"I didn't realize you guys were so close to the stairs, and you deserved it."

He glared at Nina as she entered the kitchen, she smiled toxically at him before walking over and grinning sweetly while hugging Inej.
"No, Nina, your not allowed in the kitchen after you took a spoonful of Pumpkin pie." Inej grumbled, not even responding to the hug.
"I'm just trying to hug you."
"And steal a cookie from the tray behind me."
Nina pulled back pouting, Inej only quirked a brow. "I suggest going now."
"Ugh, it's no fair."
Nina stalked out of the room, grumbling. Wylan popped in, questioning about the timer for the Turkey.

"Almost, Wylan." Wylan glanced a pittying look at Kaz.
"How ar—"
"Finish that sentence, and I won't be the only one in the house with a bruised face."
"Ah, So you're fine." Wylan muttered disdainfully. Inej rolled her eyes and waved at Wylan as he left to help Jesper set the table.
"You needn't be so rude. It is thanksgiving."
"It isn't, Inej. It's Literally November 1st."
"Well, we're celebrating, and we includes you."
"Oh stop huffing. You fell, you've had far worse for more foolish reasons. Now, stop nursing your pride and give me a hand with these."

Kaz rolled his eyes but dropped the ice pack and limped to Inej's side, he picked up one of the kitchen knives and began to peel a carrot, working smoothly. Inej eyed his hands nervously, his gloves were off, and his long pale fingers were much too close to the blade for her comfort. However, saying something would prove detrimental.
The longer they worked the more Inej's eyes wandered to where his hand worked, the way he deftly moved the blade against the skin, gently peeling it from the base.
"Watch your fingers, Inej." He warns. She huffs, turning away from him and focusing back on her half-peeled potato.
"You watch your's." She shoots back, though it's lacking in snappiness and falls flat.
Once the veggies are done, Inej puts them in the pressure cooker, closing the lid. She begins messing around with the dials, and Kaz leans against the counter, dark eyes watching her.

"Kaz?" She calls not looking up.
"Go make yourself useful and brew a pot of coffee."
He snuck closer, gently touching his fingers to her hip, barely even a brush. Letting her know where he was, that he was drawing closer. He waited for Inej to lean back into him, to give the okay, he then pressed his lips to the shell of her ear, causing Inej to jump, warmth spreading through her body as her cheeks grew hot.

He lingered were he was, his eyes burning  into her with his usual intensity, he drifted a little away, and Inej turns to see the concerned look in his eyes. She waves it off with a slight nod, and Kaz whispers softly to her, raspy voice warm, dark, and quiet.
"Ask me nicely."
Inej fights off a smile.
"Why should I? You never do." He moves closer and Inej instinctively moved away from the stove and leaned against a clear counter, gently putting her hands on his shoulders, then curling onto the back of his neck.
"Because, that's me. I'm without manners, remember? You however... your supposed to be the nice one of us." He purrs, his eyes mischievous and glinting with amusement.
"I'm not that nice." Inej responds, huffing.
"Mhm, that's why you insisted on giving Wylan's staff the day off and cooking this meal yourself."

"W-well it's not necessary!" Inej struggled to rebuke the statement, Kaz leaned over and kissed her temple. Then her cheek. Inej pushed herself up on the counter, so she can look into Kaz's eyes.
"You are dangerous, Wraith... but you're that nice too."
"So are you."
"My dear, I believe you have a fever. You're face is flushed and you are saying nonsensical things."
Inej was about to respond when the doorbell rang. Kaz's attention shifted from her to the hallway.
"Who's that?"
"Well... it isn't Thanksgiving without Family."
"Hey! You two want to make out don't do it in front of my food!" Nina shouted across the room, enough  to tear the two apart.

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