Let it snow

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Kaz sat back on the lazy boy chair, his head resting on the cushion, arms on their respective rests and his good leg crossing over his bad which rested on the ground. His head was turned toward the wide window, which showcased fat snowflakes coming down lightly amongst corpse like trees, it was slower than rain and soothed him better from his aggressions. His adopted family was away for the time being, except for Wylan. Kaz didn't mind the small boys company, he was curled up on the couch buried in a book, the boys quiet was like having company he didn't have to argue with, something that didn't happen often. It wasn't like he didn't like his other company, just Wylan was far more agreeable and easier to work with. He liked to look at the snow falling from within the warmth of his house, knowing it wouldn't stick and couldn't brother his leg.

"We're back!" Nina sang, as they entered from the snow outside, Kaz didn't bother to turn around to look at them despite a small want to check if they were okay. He heard shuffling and watched through the corner of his eyes to see Wylan's reaction. "How was your alone time Demjin?" "I was here..." Wylan piped up unhappily, scowling. Kaz smirked, staring at his reflection to count Matthias, Nina, Jesper  and Inej just hanging her coat up. That was something else he liked about Wylan, after joining the group officially, he had gained a backbone and whether it was from Jesper's teasing, his own speeches and behaviors, Inej's kind wisdom or Nina's confidence wearing off it was nice. All he truly knew was it didn't come from Matthias's mothering, he was worse then Inej. "Sorry Wylan, but reading a book doesn't quite count as company." "He was quite a bit of company. I'm sorry about the tragic death, by the way, a terrible way to end a chapter." He rasped, watching them through the reflection. "What!? How? I never said- I never..." "He's Kaz. He just knows..." Jesper said plainly as he jumped onto the couch happily and threw his arm over the poor boy's shoulders. "Reflection." Both Kaz and Inej's voices joined together.

The group shook their head and returned to their normal positions to the left and right. Matthias scolding Jesper for flopping down, him arguing back about not needing a mother, Nina and Wylan sharing exasperated looks but only Nina trying to gain back his attention while Wy just waited patiently. Kaz closed his eyes, his hands tightening their grip as the noise and build up again, he hadn't had enough time lately, to relax and ease all his thoughts. "Kaz.." Inej smiled from where she stood beside him, a dark blanket draped over her shoulders, he moved his good leg off of its crossed position and onto the floor, Inej moved in beside him until he leaned and pulled her closer to him after a moment to gather thoughts. "How was your time alone?" "Not long enough without the racket." Inej simply laughed and kissed his collar. "I'm sorry to hear that, you'll have tonight though." He nodded as a small grunt of defiance came from his throat, he moved closer anyway and let Inej help to relax him. "Still so tense?" She muttered softly, resting  her head on his shoulder, his arms snaking around her waist. "Ketterdam taught me well." Inej scoffed, closing her eyes. "We aren't in the barrel, you no longer need to act like the hunted bastard. When we get back maybe but right now we're free from worries so enjoy yourself." He leaned lightly into her. "Fine... it's not like I'm not enjoying myself though..." he whispered against her hair near her ear, a small smile fighting against his scowl. "Well I would hope so." She teased lightly. "Hey Love Crows! Turn around and talk to us.." Kaz simply snorted and Inej laughed lightly kissing his neck just below his jaw. He groaned quietly, Inej sat up and pulled Kaz off of his chair, he grunted but limped beside her. Inej considered getting his cane, he was much like a crippled cat, adapted to his weakness and learned to live with it, making sure it made him no less. Able to fight a completely fine person and win, but every now and then Inej would worry he'd push himself too far, he always told her not to treat him like an old man because he could beat her even with his limp, his eyes were saying it now as he caught her looking. She smiled sweetly.

Six of Crows One-shotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang