The dog

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Kaz and the others were on a extremely important mission to finish off the last of the Dimelions, Inej was scouting ahead, Wylan and Jesper were arguing about something relatively idiotic and Nina was not present.
Kaz let a part of him get the better of himself an he left the group, walking down a dark alley toward he sound of shuffling and low growls.
Only when Inej came back did the others notice that Kaz had abandoned them, when they went to look for him, they were surprised to find a alley with two dogs, rolled over so their bellies were showing as Kaz, the scariest boy in Ketterdam stroked their stomaches, Inej didn't want to say anything, this was in her own opinion adorable.
Kaz was now a seventeen your old boy who just really like dogs. Not a Barrel boss with his guard up and his life surrounding profit.
He turned his head toward them and grinned, the dogs stood, they were huge. Looking like mixes between a bear and a lion. They were both leaning on either side of Kaz.
"What is it with you and dogs?" Wylan asked, remembering Smeets, house Kaz shrugged.
He seemed to just connect with them, the bigger one gave a low whine, Kaz scratched it behind the ear and it panted happily. He stood brushing himself off and turning a hard glower to his team. "We have places to be don't we."
He walked past them, acting like nothing happened, Inej smirked knowing Jesper would not let Kaz forget this, so neither would she.

Six of Crows One-shotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora