The Dreg Prince

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Kaz's room was dark, it's occupants clustered about the place each expressing anxiety in their own way, Jesper fiddling, wylan nervously shifting, Nina fisting her hands as she listened, and Inej trying to soak in what a very rattled Anika was trying to tell them so she could help faster.

"We aren't quite sure what happened, the most widely accepted theory is that a Grisha has rewinded all of Kaz's cells." Anika said tightly, shaking her head at the simple imposibility.
"Anika, what is the situation?" Inej asks straight-forwardly. Anika shuffles, opens her mouth and shuts it. "Well... he doesn't remember- seven years of his life." Everyone stilled, Inej having been the longest to know him, and that was for barely three years. It had been only a year since the ice court mission.

"Exactly? How do you know?" Jesper scowled, his hands drumming on his legs. "Anika... where's the damn letter opener." A soft raspy voice broke  through. They turned to see the door swing open an a unlimping Kaz walked through. Only, he wasn't Kaz, he was a eleven-year Old Kaz. His eyes were dark and immediately widened in fear, the mass of people clearly unexpected. His expression quickly changed, and all hesitation drained as if he regained his control.

"Holy" "What the..." "by the saints- what happened?"  Anika stood, The child Kaz came up to most of their hips, even Inej... he was not taller, but he still had his darkness with him. "What the hell are you looking at?" Cheaper leather gloves crinkled as his hands fisted. He wore a simple coat, made of rough material. His clothes was that of a scrappy kid on the street, not vests and finery. His voice was quiet, like he couldn't raise it. And he seemed to wince at the sound of it.

"Ghezen, he's adorable!" Jesper swept up Kaz by grabbing under his arms and lifting him up, Kaz made a startled noise as he was swung through the air. Kaz's feet connected to Jesper's shoulders and kicked him back, Kaz landing lightly back on his feet. He brought the letter opener to Jespers throat. "What the hell is wrong with you, do I look like a damn puppy to you, Idiot!" Anika growled "Kaz, drop him."

Kaz stood straighter, turning his head so his black eyes bored into Anika. "I don't take orders from you." "You do. I'm-"

"According to what you already told me, I am actually the one who put you there. Don't get cocky now." Anika's mouth snapped shut with surprise, Kaz let go of Jesper. He walked evenly over to lean on the desk, his face a mask. His quiet rasp didn't command attention as it usually did, but it was grating and uncontrolled. "Who are all of you?"

Anika waved a hand around to them. "This is your- family." Inej saw the hard flinch Kaz gave. "I have none." He snarled. "Later in life Kaz, you give us a chance and it ends better. We were a crew you assembled, to do the very best." Kaz nods, in between his hands flashes some sort of coin. "I can't very well let the gang see me, If I'm supposed to be seventeen was it?" He shrugged, glancing at them. "Any ideas?"

"You can stay at the mansion." Wylan offered, Inej decided she'd keep a close eye on him. He had to have... recently suffered. Even if he was healthy and not showing any signs of his trauma or broken leg. "Hmm... you sure? A mansion.. How do I know you?" He accused Wylan, who blushed at the sharp note of hate. "Later. We need to get you safe, so your reputation isn't soured. Is there anyway to reverse the effects?" Wylan turned to Anika, she shook her head. "I didn't think anyone could do this." Nina watched Kaz. "It's Parem tailoring.... it'll fade but it's done really well.... a week or two. Hopefully, his memories will return." The small Kaz turned to gaze at Nina. "Well, lets go."

Without waiting for a cue, Kaz walked to the window and flipped the latch, climbing easily out, he watched the others emerge, continually glancing strangely at him. Inej naturally took the lead, but even she was surprised at how well he kept up. Always a few steps behind, if he hadn't broke his leg, he'd probably haven't made a too bad of a spider. But he was reckless, and took jumps with no hesitation, it wasn't hard for Inej to imagine just how he broke it.

When they reached the mansion and quickly settled in it was already almost one in the morning. The others whispered about what to do with Kaz, he would occasionally add in. But his eyelids were drooping and Inej wasn't sure when, but he had shifted to fully stretch out on the couch beside where she sat. She smiled and waved the others to be quieter. It didn't take long for tiny broken whimpers to shake out of Kaz, his chest clenched and his breathing faded in and out. Inej reached over on instinct and lightly touched his hair. It was soft, she stroked her hand through it gently, calming him. The whimpers broke off. "Just breathe Kaz, your safe." She whispered, he slowly relaxed and took more breaths evenly.

Inej continued her gentle strokes through the silky strands, her fingers just gliding, a barely touch. It's in time with his breathing, and Inej's heart can't help but ache for him.

If you want me to continue this idea, let me know and give me some scenarios involving it maybe? Anyways, hope you enjoyed!

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