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Taehyung watched as the workers painted Y/n's new small apartment, starting with the bedroom. He noticed them painting butterflies, flowers, and other drawings that seemed more fitting for a kid's room or a nursery. 

The colors were light and gave a pleasant vibe to the room. Taehyung scratched his head in confusion, wondering why y/n had instructed the workers to do such a thing.

"Excuse me, sir," Taehyung turned to one of the workers who had his hands full with paint boxes, brushes, and various stencils. 

The worker seemed to be struggling to manage everything. Taehyung moved aside to give him some space, but the question of why y/n wanted a kid's room lingered in his mind.

He decided to ask Y/n about it, calling out her name as he saw her speaking with the carpenters in the living room. He walked over, observing her giving instructions on how she wanted her furniture to be placed or at least that's what he assumed.

"I want the crib to be long, occupying the entire length of the bedroom, close to the wall..." Y/n spoke, using hand gestures to convey her design ideas. Taehyung held himself back from interrupting and waited until she finished her conversation.

Y/n noticed Taehyung waiting for her and quickly wrapped up her discussion with the carpenters. She came over to where he was standing, ready to start working on her new apartment.

When Taehyung had offered to buy her furniture and other items for the apartment, y/n had declined and instead requested painters and carpenters. 

Taehyung understood that she had something specific in mind, so he went along with her wishes without questioning them. But now, as he observed the apartment taking shape, he couldn't help but seek clarity on y/n's intentions.

"Umm... I can see you're up to something, but why decorate the apartment like a kid's room?" Taehyung asked, his expression filled with confusion. 

Y/n chuckled at his complicated expression, understanding that he had been thinking a lot about her choices for the apartment. She couldn't blame him, as anyone in his place would have asked the same question.

"To answer your question, I think you should wait until they complete their work," Y/n replied, teasingly. Taehyung remained quiet, but his eagerness to see the result was evident through his forced smile. 

"Alright, bear," he responded, accepting that he would have to wait to understand her intentions.

Y/n could see the curiosity in Taehyung's eyes, and she couldn't help but find it endearing. She knew that her choice of decorating the room like a kid's room had sparked his interest, and she wanted to keep him in suspense just a little longer.

"Don't worry, Taehyung," she said with a mischievous smile. "I promise it will all make sense once they're done." Taehyung nodded a mixture of anticipation and confusion evident on his face. He trusted y/n's judgment and knew that she always had a way of surprising him.

As the workers continued their task, transforming the small apartment into a whimsical space, Taehyung found himself growing more intrigued. He observed the attention to detail and the care put into each stroke of paint, each piece of furniture being assembled.

Minutes turned into hours, and finally, the workers finished their work. 

Y/n stood at the entrance of the newly decorated room, a proud smile on her face. She gestured for Taehyung to come inside and see the final result.

As he stepped into the room, Taehyung's eyes widened in awe. 

The walls were adorned with beautiful murals of butterflies, flowers, and animals, all painted with vibrant colors. The furniture was carefully set, with a cozy crib occupying one side of the room, and small desks and chairs on the other side.

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