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In the stillness of the night, Y/n diligently went about the task of cleaning the kitchen after dinner. The soft glow of the moon spilled through the window, casting a gentle light on the countertops and appliances.

She stood at the sink, hands submerged in warm, soapy water as she washed the dishes. The sound of water running and the clink of plates and utensils echoed through the quiet room.

With a sponge in hand, she scrubbed away the remnants of the meal, ensuring every dish was spotless. The rhythmic motions of her cleaning brought a sense of order and calm to the space.

As she moved from one task to another, wiping down the countertops and stove, her focus remained solely on the task at hand. She meticulously dried each dish and utensil, placing them back in their designated spots.

The kitchen, once filled with the aroma of cooking, now exuded a sense of cleanliness and tidiness. Every surface glistened under the soft illumination, proof of Y/n's meticulous efforts.

The room remained quiet, save for the gentle hum of the refrigerator in the background. Shadows danced along the walls as Y/n moved about, creating a serene atmosphere.

As she finished her final task, Y/n took a moment to appreciate the clean and organized kitchen.

As she stood there, basking in the satisfaction of a job well done, a sudden sound from behind caused Y/n to flinch. Her heart skipped a beat as she turned around, only to find Jungkook standing there, a surprised expression on his face.

Her brows furrowed in confusion. She hadn't heard him coming down the stairs, his footsteps masked by the silence of the night. A mix of surprise and relief washed over her, knowing that it was only Jungkook.

"Jungkook, you startled me,"  Y/n said, her voice laced with a hint of nervousness. "I didn't hear you coming down."

Jungkook's eyes softened as he took in her reaction, realizing the unintended startle he had caused. He took a step closer, his presence comforting amidst the quiet darkness of the kitchen.

"I'm sorry, Y/n," Jungkook replied, his voice gentle. "I didn't mean to startle you. I just wanted to grab a glass of water before heading to bed."

Y/n nodded, her racing heartbeat slowly returning to a steady rhythm. She watched as Jungkook walked past her, opening the cupboard to retrieve a glass. The faint glow of the moon highlighted his features, casting a soft light upon his face.

As he filled the glass with water, Jungkook turned to face Y/n, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Next time, if you need help in cleaning, call me," he spoke with a genuine tone, offering her his help.

A sense of warmth spread through Y/n's chest, grateful for the acknowledgment. "sure" she murmured, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

As the evening wore on, Jungkook found himself lost in his own thoughts, replaying Taehyung's words in his mind. The conversation they had earlier had struck a chord within him, making him realize the importance of approaching Y/n with sensitivity and respect.

Taking a deep breath, Jungkook approached Y/n with a gentle demeanor,

"Hey, Y/n," he said softly, his voice carrying a hint of warmth. "Can we talk for a moment?"

Y/n turned towards Jungkook, her eyes meeting his with curiosity. She noticed the genuine concern in his gaze and nodded, setting aside her cleaning supplies.

"Of course, Jungkook," she replied, her voice calm yet guarded.

Jungkook took a deep breath, wanting to address the elephant in the room with honesty and sensitivity. He knew that Y/n had been feeling comfortable with his presence and touch, but it was also crucial for him to understand her boundaries and respect her feelings if he might want to take things further.

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