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"You're ignoring me 'cause you know everything?" Jungkook carefully crafted his statement, fully aware that Y/n had learned everything from Lara and had been avoiding him the previous day. He couldn't bear the thought of being ignored again, so he mustered up the courage to confront her about her behavior.

Y/n had returned home the day before, and just like before, she had greeted him with a kiss before trying to brush him off. Determined to get to the bottom of her actions, Jungkook caught her, urging her to explain herself.

"You flirted with me on the phone, but then in person, you reverted back to your old self. Please answer me, Y/n," Jungkook pressed, his frustration evident.

Y/n couldn't find the words to respond and instead lowered her head, avoiding his gaze. Sensing her hesitation, Jungkook let out a sigh. "You have to open up to me, Y/n, or else..." he trailed off, his tone filled with a mix of concern and impatience.

Finally, Y/n mustered the courage to speak, revealing her intentions and the influence Lara had on her actions. "I just did it out of curiosity. When I started learning about these things, I wanted to try them on you to gauge your reaction. Lara insisted that I give it a go," she confessed, laying bare her motivations and the guidance she had received from her friend.

Jungkook's gaze fixated on his wife, filled with a desire to ravish her. "Since you know everything, why not try it?" he suggested, causing Y/n to shake her head in confusion. "I only know about it in theory, not in practice," she admitted, unsure of what her husband was implying.

True to his nature, Jungkook spoke the words that came to his mind, his voice dripping with seduction. "So why not make the theory lessons become practical?" he proposed, his smirk captivating and alluring to Y/n.

For a moment, she remained frozen in place, uncertain of how to respond. But Jungkook wasted no time. He approached her, sweeping her up into his arms. "I'm not waiting anymore," he declared, carrying her towards their bedroom. Y/n protested, insisting that he put her down, but her words fell on deaf ears. He gently placed her on the bed and swiftly locked the door, his determination evident.

"You can't escape from me. It's been four days since I touched you, Y/n," Jungkook revealed, his frustration brewing. "You promised to make up for the days we spent apart, and now you're pushing me away." Y/n found herself unable to utter a word, lacking the courage to face her husband's simmering anger.

Jungkook struggled to contain his overwhelming desire as he gazed at his wife, who was only wearing his shirt. The sight before him made it even more challenging for him to resist his urges.

"You said you could handle any punishment as long as it's me, right?" he questioned, surprised by the words that had slipped out of her mouth without a second thought.

Y/n looked at him with a mix of confusion and disbelief, wondering why she had spoken those words in the first place. "Jungkook, even if I said that it doesn't mean I can appreciate it now. So you better let me go," she insisted, attempting to approach the door. However, he quickly pulled her back and pushed her onto the bed.

"You're not getting out of here that easily," he declared firmly.

Y/n continued to protest, urging him to release her. "Jungkook, what has gotten into you? Let me go, I have to leave," she pleaded, her voice tinged with urgency.

"And where do you think you're going at this hour?" he questioned, a hint of amusement in his voice. It was already late, past their usual bedtime, but given the circumstances, sleep was likely to be put on hold. Y/n attempted to formulate a response, but no words escaped her lips.

"I want to quench my thirst, Y/n. I want to make up for these four days, and I want to do it now," Jungkook confessed, his voice filled with longing. With those words, he approached her, pushing her gently onto the bed before hovering above her, ready to fulfill his desires.

Y/n desperately tried to reason with Jungkook, expressing that she was not ready for what he was about to do. However, his lustful desire blinded him to her pleas. "I don't care. You're the one who dragged me into this," he retorted, pinning her hands above her head to prevent her from pushing him away.

Fear began to well up inside her. "Jungkook, please stop. You're scaring me," she implored, hoping he would listen.

Ignoring her words, Jungkook crashed his lips onto hers, his kisses filled with pure lust. He attempted to deepen the kiss, but Y/n remained persistent, refusing to open her mouth for him.

Frustrated by her stubbornness, he abruptly pulled away, gazing at her intently. With one hand pinning her hands and the other cupping her jaw, he demanded, "Open your mouth, Y/n."

She shook her head in denial, refusing to comply with his demand.

"I'll make you open it on your own," Jungkook declared, his desire clouding his judgment as he failed to notice the pleading expression in Y/n's eyes. She desperately tried to reason with him, urging him to let her go and acknowledging that what he was doing was wrong. But before she could finish her plea, he silenced her with another forceful kiss.

Jungkook lifted her shirt, exposing her legs and stomach, as he continued to be consumed by lust. The cold air brushed against her lower body, triggering a desire within her to free herself from his grasp.

His hand moved towards her hips, squeezing them, causing Y/n to gasp. It was a reaction that fueled his desire further, making him yearn to explore her intimately. However, deep down, Y/n couldn't deny her discomfort with Jungkook's actions. She longed to put a stop to this and disliked the version of Jungkook that was driven solely by lust.

It was a mistake on Y/n's part to push Jungkook away when he initially tried to touch her, but now their actions had led them to a situation that neither of them would find pleasing. Jungkook's hands slid lower, gripping her thighs and pulling them up to position her legs at either side of him, creating a comfortable space between her legs. As a result, Y/n could feel his hardness pressing against her core, causing her eyes to widen in surprise at his level of arousal.

Despite her struggles, Jungkook managed to push her shirt up, exposing her lower breasts. He trailed his lips down her jaw and neck, leaving a trail of fresh hickeys in his wake.

"Jungkook, stop...please don't do this," Y/n pleaded once again, her eyes becoming glassy with tears. She had never expected her husband to display such aggression, and this behavior was completely unexpected for her.

As Jungkook's finger pressed against her navel, Y/n couldn't help but moan his name, the sound only fueling his desire further. The intensified reaction spurred him on, causing him to suck on her skin with even more aggression. "Moan my name, baby. I want to hear it more," he urged, his hand moving down to caress her stomach and waist.

Jungkook's hand gradually descended, tracing the curves of her hips and nearing her core. Sensing his intentions, Y/n mustered all her strength, freeing her hand and delivering a forceful push that sent him tumbling to the floor.

Jungkook jolted awake, his heart racing, as he realized that what he had just experienced was nothing more than a vivid dream of him forcing Y/n to satisfy his lustful desires. He scanned the room, his eyes landing on his wife who was peacefully sleeping beside him.

The realization of his desperate desire to touch her left him feeling a mix of guilt and regret. He ruffled his hair and let out a heavy sigh, vowing never to hurt Y/n in any way. And he wouldn't forgive himself if he hurt her again. The dream is nothing but a nightmare to him.

Gently supporting himself on one arm, Jungkook leaned closer to caress Y/n's cheek. She appeared to be in a deep sleep, most likely exhausted from their long drive back home from the Park mansion.

"I hope you won't ignore me like I saw in my dream," he whispered, pressing soft kisses on her cheek and forehead before settling back down beside her. "Good night, Y/n," he murmured, giving her a final peck on the lips. Pulling her closer to him, he cradled her head on his bicep, while his other arm encircled her. Finding a comfortable position, with Y/n safely in his embrace, he closed his eyes, allowing sleep to overtake him.

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