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Note: This book is renamed from Jeon y/n to Saudade to The second Chance.


The chapel reverberated with the joyful peal of wedding bells, casting a bittersweet melody over the gathering. Lost in my own thoughts, I stood in the shadows, grappling with the weight of an uncertain future. The path ahead seemed shrouded in mist, leaving me adrift and unsure of what steps to take.

It had been a year since my father's passing, and the wound still felt fresh, raw with the ache of loss. How could I fathom a life without him? He had been my rock, shouldering the responsibilities of both mother and father since my infancy. My mother had departed this world shortly after my birth, succumbing to complications that plagued her during pregnancy. Our poverty-stricken circumstances had prevented my father from providing her with proper care, condemning her to a life cut tragically short.

Despite the hardships we faced in our village, my father's love and devotion never wavered. He regaled me with endless tales of my mother, his eyes filled with a mix of longing and sorrow. For twenty-three years, he had been my guiding light, my sole companion in this vast world. But fate had other plans for us.

Driven by the need for a better life, my father had sought employment as a chauffeur for the prestigious Jeon family. We left our village behind, trading its simplicity for the complexities of the city. The Jeons graciously provided us with a home in their servants' quarters, and I spent my days exploring the grandeur of their mansion. School seemed an alien concept to me, for my mind was forever lost in the enchanting tales of Disney.

In this sheltered existence, I remained blissfully unaware of the harsh realities of life, my introverted nature shielding me from the outside world. Mrs. Jeon, a kind-hearted woman, took it upon herself to educate me, nurturing my reading and writing skills. She became the mother figure I had longed for, and Mr. Jeon assumed the role of a guardian in my father's absence.

Yet, as I stand here today, I struggle to comprehend how my life has taken such an unexpected turn. The vibrant, carefree girl I once was has been replaced by a solemn, uncertain woman. The loss of my father has left me adrift, and the Jeons, out of respect and gratitude for his sacrifice, have made a decision that has left me speechless.

They have arranged for me to marry their son, my childhood friend who had been whisked away to study abroad at the tender age of twelve. Fifteen years have passed since we last saw each other, and I doubt he even remembers me. I can still envision the boy he once was, full of life and mischief. But the man who returned five months ago bears no resemblance to the child of my memories.

He is aloof, his countenance icy and impenetrable. No flicker of the boy I once knew can be glimpsed in his eyes. Even in the presence of his own family, he remains impassive, his attention consumed by his work. Our paths have rarely crossed, and I find myself questioning whether he is content with this arranged marriage.

Yet, I cannot deny the blessing that has been bestowed upon me. To be taken in by a wealthy family, to have my hand offered in marriage to a prestigious heir, is a privilege few would ever know. The Jeons have shown me kindness and care, knowing that I have no one else in this world. It would be a betrayal to reject their decision after all they have done for me.

And so, here I stand, before the gates of the chapel, about to embark on this new chapter of my life. Beside me stands Taehyung, a man who has taken on the role of a brother, though he is not of the Jeon bloodline. He insisted on walking me down the aisle, a gesture of support and love. As the soft strains of music fill the air, we begin our journey, all eyes fixed upon us.

As we draw closer to the altar, my heart pounds. The man I am to marry awaits me, his gaze was cold and distant as he takes hold of my trembling hands. The ceremony unfolds, vows and promises exchanged, and rings slipped onto fingers. And then, the moment arrives, the moment I have been both dreading and anticipating.

"I pronounce you man and wife," the officiant declares, his words echoing in the hushed chapel.

 "You may kiss your bride."

My legs quiver with nervous anticipation as I meet his gaze, searching for any hint of emotion. But his eyes remain inscrutable, revealing nothing. Slowly, he draws me closer, his lips mere inches from mine. I close my eyes, waiting for the touch of his mouth against mine, but all I feel is a fleeting press against my cheek.

At that moment, I realize the truth. The look in his eyes, the absence of emotion, speaks volumes. He is not happy to marry me. Doubt gnaws at my heart, questioning the decision I made. 

Was this union a mistake?

But I push those thoughts aside, forcing a smile as the crowd erupts in applause and well-wishes. I must focus on the joyous celebration that surrounds me, for there is no turning back now. This is my path, my destiny, and I must face it with unwavering resolve.

As I take my first steps as a married woman, I can't help but wonder what lies ahead. Will love find its way into our hearts, thawing the ice that surrounds him? Or will this marriage be nothing more than a facade, a union bound by duty rather than affection?

Only time will reveal the answers, as the pages of our intertwined lives continue to turn, each chapter unveiling a new twist in this unexpected love story.

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