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I pressed my eyes shut and furrowed my brows as a soft sensation brushed against my bare shoulder. It slowly made its way up from my shoulder, gliding over the skin of my neck, and settling behind my ear. Each touch sent a shiver down my spine, causing my breath to become irregular.

Despite the warm morning light filtering through my closed eyelids, I resisted the urge to open my eyes. The soft sensation continued to trace its path along the length of my throat, prompting me to tilt my head back against the pillow, seeking more of the pleasurable feeling.

Though I had a pretty good idea of what was causing this sensation, I hesitated to open my eyes, content to simply savor the moment.

"I know you're enjoying what I'm doing to you, but I want you to open your eyes, sweetheart," a familiar voice whispered suddenly. Slowly, I complied, gradually opening my eyes and blinking to adjust to the brightness of the light.

I opened my eyes, blinking to adjust to the sight of his face so close to mine. He supported himself with one arm near my head, while his other arm encircled my bare waist. We both remained under the duvet, still naked.

"Good morning," he greeted me with his morning voice, which carried a hint of roughness that sounded undeniably sexy to my ears.

Returning his greeting, I offered a smile as he lowered his head to place a gentle kiss on my forehead. "Did you sleep well?" he asked, his bare chest in full view and his muscular arm positioned near my head.

I fought to suppress the blush that threatened to rise to my cheeks as I gazed into his eyes, filled with love and affection. I reciprocated the same sentiments. "I slept well, how about you?"

Instead of answering, he brushed a few stray hairs from my forehead and face, tucking them behind my ear. With that small gesture complete, he once again lowered his head to pepper my cheeks and chin with kisses. Each time his lips made contact with my skin, my eyes instinctively closed, allowing me to fully feel the softness and tenderness of his affectionate gestures.

I chuckled, sensing that Jungkook had no intention of stopping his kisses. "Jungkook, stop it," I said, attempting to push him away. But he was persistent, not willing to let me go. "Why stop? I want to show you my love," he replied, continuing to shower me with affectionate kisses.

" let me go so I can freshen up and prepare breakfast for us," I insisted, peeling myself away from him. However, with a sudden force, he pulled me back, causing me to fall onto him.

My hands found support on either side of his head, allowing me to lift myself and meet his gaze. Our legs were intertwined, and our bodies were pressed together, causing our intimate areas to touch. A rush of heat flooded my face as I realized the position we were in.

Jungkook noticed my flushed face and a mischievous smirk tugged at his lips. Was he trying to tease me? I looked at him with questioning eyes as I felt his hands grip my waist, pushing my weight firmly against him. "J-Jungkook, what are you doing?" I stammered, feeling his arousal against me, a result of our intimate contact and our current position.

"It would be nice to have some morning pleasure, don't you think, baby?" he said, his smirk still in place. My heart skipped a beat as I processed his words. Was he really asking me this question? I wasn't sure if I was ready to engage in such intimacy again so soon.

Yesterday's encounter was intense, fueled by our mutual desire, but now, I wasn't sure if I could muster the same boldness.

"Jungkook, y-yesterday" I cleared my throat, trying to steady my voice. "Yesterday, we had enough, so I think we-" Before I could finish my sentence, his lips crashed onto mine, effectively silencing any further protest. He cupped my cheek, ensuring that I couldn't break the kiss.

THE SECOND CHANCE || JJK ffOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz