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"Where are we heading to?" Y/N asked, her voice tinged with curiosity and a hint of impatience. They had been driving through the city for the past 30 minutes, and they still hadn't reached their destination.

"You will know soon," Jungkook replied, his answer cryptic and leaving her even more intrigued. It was clear that he wasn't taking her out for lunch, as they had both already eaten. And it couldn't be a trip to a theme park, as he had specifically asked her to wear a sundress. Furthermore, his casual attire ruled out any business-related places.

Finally, the car came to a stop in front of a bungalow. She peered out of the window, taking in the sight of the beautifully constructed house. "Please don't tell me you bought another house," she half-joked, a mixture of surprise and amusement in her voice. In response, he flashed her a smile, unbuckled his seatbelt, and made his way to her side of the car, opening the door for her.

"Come inside, you have someone to visit," he said, his voice filled with anticipation. She couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement as she stepped out of the car and followed him towards the bungalow. With each step, her curiosity grew, wondering who could be waiting for her inside.

They stood together in front of the main door, Jungkook reaching out to press the calling bell. Within moments, the door swung open to reveal a familiar face. Recognition flashed through her mind as she realized that the girl standing before them was Lara, her husband's secretary.

"Welcome Mr and Mrs Jeon" Lara welcomed and gave a warm smile at the couple.

"Hello, Lara. I hope you don't mind letting us in," Jungkook greeted her, a hint of formality in his tone. Lara, seemingly flustered, facepalmed herself as if realizing her mistake of keeping her guests waiting outside. "Apologies, Mr. Jeon," she said, bowing slightly before stepping aside to allow them entry.

As they entered the house, Y/n was greeted by a warm and inviting atmosphere. The decor was tasteful, reflecting a blend of elegance and comfort. The sound of soft music filled the air, creating a soothing ambiance.

They settled into the comfortable surroundings, questions swirled in her mind. Why had Jungkook brought her to his secretary's house? What was the purpose of this unexpected visit? She couldn't shake off the curiosity and confusion that filled her thoughts. Turning to Jungkook, she sought answers, hoping he would shed some light on the situation.

Jungkook met her gaze, a gentle smile playing on his lips. Sensing her curiosity, he reached out to hold her hand, reassuring her with his touch. "Y/n, I hope you already recognized Lara," he said with a smile and Y/n nodded, that she had indeed seen Lara before.

Jungkook then explained the reason for bringing Y/n to Lara's house, revealing that she would be spending the entire day with Lara. Y/n's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she tried to comprehend his intentions. "Why-" she began to question, but Jungkook interrupted her.

"You don't have any female friends, y/n," he explained, his voice filled with gentleness. "I thought that if Lara becomes your friend, she might help you understand things that I can't tell you or that you might want to know... You know, sometimes it's easier for women to talk to each other and feel more comfortable sharing personal thoughts. So, I planned to leave you with her and pick you up tomorrow."

With his explanation complete, Y/n found herself sitting in silence, her mind racing with mixed emotions. She understood Jungkook's reasoning; after all, she had never made any close female friends before. But the idea of being in a new environment with someone she barely knew made her feel a bit apprehensive.

As she glanced around the beautiful interior of Lara's house, Y/n couldn't help but feel a sense of unease mixed with curiosity. She was uncertain about what the day held for her, but she trusted Jungkook's intentions and knew that he only wanted the best for her.

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