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The room was filled with an uncomfortable silence as if even the sound of a pin dropping could be heard. Biting my lips and fidgeting with my fingers, I glanced at Jungkook, who was already keeping his eyes on me.

Feeling the need to break the tension, I decided to speak first. "Tae, plea-" My words were abruptly halted when Taehyung raised his finger, signaling me to stop.

"I've heard enough, Y/n," Taehyung said, his voice filled with a mix of frustration and disappointment. The room had been silent for the past ten minutes after we explained everything to him.

Jungkook, unable to contain his frustration any longer, spoke up. "Taehyung, how long are you going to keep your mouth shut?" His words were filled with a mix of anger and concern. "I've been quiet because I didn't expect my innocent and naive sister to completely change after I left her alone with you for just a few days."

I interjected, not wanting Taehyung to solely blame Jungkook. "Tae, please don't blame Jungkook. It was me who wanted to know everything, and I can't remain innocent forever, right? I have to learn about things eventually, and I don't understand why it bothers you so much."

He kept himself silent, not bothering to answer my question. Instead, he averted his gaze to the floor, lost in his own thoughts. Jungkook tried to reason with him, "y/n is right, Taehyung. Why are you bothered about us being together? You always seem so worked up when-"

"Because I have my own reasons, Jungkook," Taehyung interrupted, his voice firm and serious. "I don't care if you two are in a romantic relationship or have consummated your marriage. What I was worried about is y/n."

His words caught both Jungkook and me off guard. Taehyung's gaze shifted towards me, leaving Jungkook confused. "Why do you have to be worried about her when she herself is fine with me?" Jungkook questioned, his voice tinged with confusion.

Taehyung let out a sigh, his expression softening slightly. "It's not about her being fine with you, Jungkook. I'm worried because I've seen her go through so much in the past, and I don't want her to get hurt again. I just want to protect her."

As Taehyung stated, Jungkook looked at him with confusion and wanted him to elaborate more on his words. "You know the time when you had left her to find Mae, Y/n was under mental complications and she fainted, and was left unconscious for more than a day"

As Taehyung mentioned the reason behind my fainting, I saw Jungkook's expression change to one of regret for his past actions. "And you know why she fainted, it's because she was emotionally overwhelmed. Her mind couldn't handle the flood of new emotions she was experiencing, which led to her blackout."

Jungkook looked at Taehyung, his eyes reflecting surprise at this new information. It seemed that he hadn't been aware of the true extent of the impact his actions had on me. The weight of his past behavior seemed to hit him all at once, and I could see the remorse in his eyes.

As Taehyung spoke, I watched Jungkook's head hang low, filled with shame and regret. He attempted to apologize, but Taehyung interrupted him, wanting to convey his perspective.

"No, Jungkook, let me finish," Taehyung said firmly. "The doctors who examined her condition shared this information with me. They advised me to keep her away from the fear and disturbances she was experiencing in your presence. That's why I took y/n with me until you came back and asked for her."

He took a deep breath before continuing. "I'm not against you two starting a family, Jungkook. But I was afraid that y/n would be overwhelmed by the new emotions and sensations without even having the slightest knowledge of what they were. When she referred to intimacy as torture, I assumed that she couldn't handle your touch and that it would trigger her fear once again. I was only trying to protect her. But seeing you both happy, I have no worries now."

Jungkook's expression shifted from shame to a mix of gratitude and understanding. He nodded, acknowledging Taehyung's intentions and the lengths he went to protect me. It was clear that Taehyung's actions came from a place of love and concern.

The room fell silent once again after Taehyung completed his speech. Neither Jungkook nor I said anything, the weight of the situation hanging heavily in the air. Jungkook kept his head down, unable to meet anyone's gaze, while I stood there, feeling a mix of emotions but not showing any outward signs.

As I was about to speak up, urging Jungkook to say something, I noticed him start to move away from the living room. Before I could react, Taehyung reached out and gently caressed my head, his voice filled with understanding and concern. "Go after him, y/n. I know that he may have difficulty handling his emotions alone."

With a smile on my face, I nodded at Taehyung before making my way towards where Jungkook had gone. Climbing up the stairs, I reached the first floor and walked down the hallway until I reached the end.

I gently slid open the glass door to the balcony and saw Jungkook standing near the railing, lost in his thoughts. Not wanting to startle him, I approached him silently, wrapping my arms around his torso from behind in a comforting back hug.

I held him tightly, resting my head against his muscular back as my hands softly caressed his chest. "Are you okay, Jungkook?" I asked, hoping to break through the silence and reach him. But there was no response from him, and I let out a sigh, releasing my hold on him.

"Jungkook," I called out to him, stepping in front of him and gently cupping his face in my hands. "You're not supposed to be sad. Everything is in the past-"

But before I could finish my sentence, he interrupted me. "I have hurt you so much, haven't I?" he said, his voice filled with guilt and remorse.

"And now you're loving me too much, aren't you?" I finished my sentence, but he pushed my hands away and turned his back to me. "Please stop joking, y/n. I'm serious."

Taken aback by his response, I tuned him towards me, narrowing my eyes. "So you mean to say your love towards me is a joke?" I asked, my voice tinged with a mix of hurt and frustration. He scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Are you serious? You know how much I love you, y/n," he responded, his voice filled with sincerity. Realizing his genuine feelings, I reached out and held his hand, pulling him into a comforting hug. "Please don't feel bad, Jungkook. The past is gone. We should only look forward to our present and future."

Holding him tightly with my arms around his neck, I spoke the words that I hoped would calm him and help us move past our painful past. "Jungkook, I have forgiven you for everything that happened in the past. You don't have to feel guilty about anything. I love you, and I always will, forever."

As I stroked his back, comforting him with my words, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. I cherished having him in my arms, knowing that our love could conquer any obstacles. He returned the embrace, holding me tight for a few moments before pulling back slightly to cup my cheeks in his hands. "I love you, y/n," he said sincerely.

"I love you too," I replied, my heart filled with warmth and affection. Without wasting any time, he leaned in, joining our lips in a passionate kiss. In that moment, all the pain and doubts from the past seemed to fade away, replaced by the overwhelming love and connection we shared.

As we continued our embrace, a thought crossed my mind. "I really wish for my life to not betray me," I silently wished, hoping that our love would remain strong and that we could overcome any challenges that lay ahead.

THE SECOND CHANCE || JJK ffWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu