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Y/N walked into Jungkook's office carrying a bag filled with delicious homemade lunch. As she entered, she was greeted with warm smiles and nods of acknowledgment from Jungkook's employees.

The office atmosphere was instantly alerted by Y/N's presence and unlike last time the people around paused their work for a moment to exchange friendly greetings and show their respect.

Y/N, although slightly taken aback by the sudden friendly greetings and attention she received, maintained her composure and continued walking towards Jungkook's cabin.

As she made her way through the office, a mix of emotions played across her face. She appreciated the respect and acknowledgment she received, but at the same time, she felt a bit uncomfortable with the spotlight on her.

Despite her initial unease, Y/N kept a polite smile on her face, reciprocating the greetings and kind words she received. She appreciated the warm gestures from her husband's employees, understanding that their intentions were well-meaning.

As she reached the cabin, Y/N's expression softened, and she felt a sense of relief in the familiar presence of her husband. The two of them shared a warm exchange and Jungkook gestured her to sit on the couch in his room as he was working.

As Jungkook immersed himself in his tasks, Y/N watched him work, silently admiring his dedication and passion. She observed his focused expression and the way he effortlessly handled his responsibilities, gaining a newfound appreciation for his commitment to his work.

Once Jungkook finished his tasks, he approached Y/N with a gentle smile, expressing his gratitude for the lunch she had prepared. He recognized the effort she had put into it and wanted to make sure they could enjoy it together.

The two of them sat side by side, sharing a meal in comfortable silence. As they savored the flavors of the food, a sense of tranquility filled the air. In this quiet moment, Jungkook couldn't help but admire Y/N in a new light.

After months of getting to know each other, Jungkook had never really seen her as anything more than a friend. However, something suddenly changed within him, and he found himself drawn to her in a new way.

He began to see her in a different light, feeling a deep desire to strengthen their bond as husband and wife. Although they had always maintained a friendly demeanor, Jungkook now yearned to take their relationship to the next level, exploring a deeper connection between them.

His gaze subtly wandered, exploring Y/N's features in a way he hadn't before. He noticed the gentle curve of her lips as she smiled, the way her eyes sparkled with warmth and kindness. But it was her body that caught his attention the most.

For the first time, Jungkook's eyes traced the elegant lines of Y/N's figure. He admired the way her dress hugged her curves, accentuating her silhouette. Each movement she made seemed graceful and alluring, and he found himself mesmerized by the sight.

"Jungkook" His body subtly jolted in response to Y/N's voice, as if caught off guard by its captivating effect. Yet, almost instinctively, his eyes swiftly returned to her, unable to resist the magnetic pull of her presence.

"You didn't eat the main dish, Do you not like it?"

Jungkook blinked his eyes, momentarily lost in thought. As he redirected his gaze towards his plate, a realization washed over him. He had been so engrossed in Y/N's presence that he had mindlessly consumed only the plain rice, neglecting the other delicious dishes that adorned his plate.

A sheepish smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he admitted his unintentional oversight. "I... I guess I got carried away," he whispered, inaudible to her ears.

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