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After spending a lovely two weeks together, we finally arrived back at our home. I was thrilled that Jungkook had made the decision to embark on this new phase of our lives. Now that we had consummated our marriage, there were no restrictions or reservations holding us back.

Those 14 days spent with my husband were truly magical. I never expected Jungkook to be so romantic and, at the same time, a bit of a pervert. He made me feel a whirlwind of emotions that I had never experienced before.

We made love, we cuddled, we chatted, we played, and we embraced every moment to the fullest. He took care of me in everything he did during those two weeks. I felt incredibly fortunate to live with him, as he showered me with his endless love and affection.

Sadly, our lives had returned to their normal routines. Jungkook had already gone to his company after his two-week absence. He had been particularly clingy this morning, not wanting to let me out of his grasp.

As for me, I was feeling sore and tired from my horny hubby. The previous night we had spent at the beach house, he had intentionally been rough and passionate, leaving me with weak limbs and a sore body. The hickeys and bite marks he had given me two days ago were still fresh and would likely remain visible for a week.

"He really is clingy and horny," I chuckled to myself, momentarily distracted by the sound of my phone pinging. Approaching it, I noticed a message from the person who had been on my mind. My face lit up with a bright smile, realizing that he was thinking of me even during his busy office hours.

Curiosity and impatience got the best of me as I eagerly opened the message to read what he had sent me.


What is my wife up to?


Not much, just taking some time to relax. Aren't you supposed to be working?


I'm actually in a meeting with clients, so I have a little break from work for about an hour.


Jungkook, you're in a meeting and still texting me? I don't want to distract you, you should focus on your work.


Don't worry, sweetheart, you're never a distraction. This meeting is just really boring and I can't help but think about you.


Are you complaining about going to the office after two weeks? That's not like you, Mr. Jeon.


I know, baby, it's just that my mind is consumed by thoughts of you. It's hard to concentrate on anything else.


You have responsibilities, Jungkook. You should focus on your work instead of daydreaming about me.


I can't help it, baby. Just imagine if we were together at our beach house, the things we could do...


Jungkook, enough with the perverted talk. 


Come on, baby, you know you enjoy my teasing. It's a shame I'm stuck in the office right now, or else you'd find yourself under me in no time.

My face turned bright red as I read his messages. Even through text, he still manages to make me blush.


Don't get too carried away, Jungkook. Focus on your meeting for now. We can chat later.


Why are you suddenly sounding like that "pest" does? I thought only he could ruin our moments, but now you're joining in

My smile instantly faded as I read the words "pest." I had completely forgotten about Taehyung's presence in the past two weeks. I haven't messaged or called him at all. "He must be worried about me."

Just as I was lost in my thoughts, a message from Jungkook appeared on my phone.


Baby, are you there? You're not replying to me.


Jungkook, I'm busy cooking right now. I'll chat with you later. Love you.

Sending the message, I went into my call logs to see if Taehyung had tried to contact me. As I scrolled down, I couldn't find his name. The last time he reached out to me was 16 days ago, and since then, there have been no missed calls from him.

Feeling a sense of panic, I quickly checked my messages. To my shock, I discovered that I had actually blocked Taehyung from messaging me. His name was clearly listed under the block list.

Confused, I returned to my call log and saw that his name was also blocked from calling me. I couldn't understand how this had happened. When did I block him?

Realization slowly dawned on me. I hadn't given my phone to anyone during these past two weeks, except for that one time...

" Y/n can I make a call from your phone, my phone has died out of charge "

"Now I remember why his name is blocked. It's all because of Jungkook," I realized. He had asked to make a call from my phone when his own had died.

A mischievous smirk formed on my lips as I thought about teaching Jungkook a lesson for trying to separate me from Tae. My naughty and feisty side was still very much alive, ready to show my husband just what it's like to mess with Jeon Y/n.


Apologies for the cringy chapters :)

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