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Y/N lifted her head from Jungkook's chest, realizing that morning had already arrived. Glancing at the clock, she noticed that it was nearly eight o'clock. Gently, she withdrew her arms that were draped around him, intending to get up. However, her efforts were in vain as Jungkook swiftly pulled her back, urging her to continue cuddling with him.

"Just a little more cuddling, and then you can go about your morning routine," he murmured in his morning raspy voice, his plea tugging at her heartstrings. Unable to resist his request, Y/N settled back into his embrace, finding comfort in his warmth.

After ten minutes of blissful cuddling, Y/N made up her mind to finally let go and get on with her day. But before she could move, Jungkook spoke up again, his voice filled with a hint of disappointment. "Where are you going, Y/N? I said I wanted to cuddle with you," he protested, reaching out towards her waist.

Y/N gently pushed his arm away, her determination to carry on with her morning tasks outweighing her desire to stay in bed. "I have to go make breakfast, Jungkook. I can't just stay here sleeping with you. We can cuddle later after I finish my work," she explained, trying to strike a balance between their affectionate moments and their responsibilities.

Once again, Jungkook refused to let go of Y/N, gripping her tightly in his arms. "Today, our maids are coming to serve us, so you don't have to do any work," he informed her, hoping to convince her to stay a little longer. Y/N paused her protesting and looked at him, considering his words.

"Alright, then at least let me freshen up so we can have breakfast together," she suggested, hoping to find a compromise that would satisfy both of their desires.

Jungkook sighed dramatically, his desire for closeness evident on his face. "What's with you, Y/N? Can't you see I just want to hold you close and cuddle with you?" he pouted, displaying his childlike behavior.

Y/N couldn't help but chuckle at her husband's antics. "First, freshen up, and then we can both cuddle. Come on, get up, Jungkook," she insisted, pushing him out of bed and guiding him towards the washroom.

After freshening up and having breakfast together, Y/N and Jungkook engaged in light conversation, discussing their plans for the day and sharing stories from their respective lives. They enjoyed the simple pleasure of each other's company, savoring the moments they spent together.

Once they finished their meal, they both returned to their bedroom, where their bedsheets were already neatly arranged by the maids who had arrived to carry out their housework.


" St-stop jung-" Despite Y/N's attempts to protest, Jungkook didn't hesitate for a moment as he leaned in to kiss her once again. Both of them found themselves in the bedroom, with Jungkook having lured Y/N in under the pretense of wanting to cuddle. However, it became apparent that his intentions went beyond mere cuddling, as they found themselves locked in a passionate make-out session for the fifth time in a row.

Y/N eventually pulled away, her lips now red and slightly swollen from their intense kisses. Jungkook, panting heavily, made an attempt to pull her back in for more. "Jungkook, let me at least breathe," she pleaded, her voice tinged with a mix of amusement and exasperation. "You're practically pushing me to flatline."

With a mischievous grin, Jungkook pulled Y/N closer by her waist, eliminating any remaining space between them. "Don't worry, I'll give you my breath to save you," he whispered seductively, his lips dangerously close to hers. Y/N placed her hands on his shoulders, attempting to maintain a safe distance between their lips.

"I thought you wanted to cuddle," Y/N pointed out, her voice filled with a mix of confusion and desire. Her attention shifted back as she observed he wasn't in the mood to leave her anytime soon.

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