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In the quiet solitude of the grand mansion, I stood before Jungkook, holding his lunch bag in my trembling hands. "Jungkook, your lunch," I softly spoke, hoping to capture his attention before he could disappear through the entrance door. But he simply brushed past me, his gaze fixed straight ahead as if I were nothing more than a mere shadow in his life.

For the past two years, every day has been a painful repetition of his cold indifference toward me. I discovered on our wedding day that Jungkook had never wanted to marry me. It was his parents who forced him into this marriage, against his will.

That night, as the truth unraveled before my eyes, I learned that he had been in a relationship with another woman. He had broken up with her under the pressure and demands of his parents, but his heart still yearned for her. She consumed his thoughts day and night, leaving no room for acceptance or love toward me.

And then there was the undeniable fact that I was illiterate. Jungkook had always dreamed of a wife who could match his intellect, someone who could stand by his side as an equal. But I, a girl who could barely count to 100 or read more than a few simple words, fell far short of his expectations. 

He saw me as nothing more than a simple housewife, incapable of fulfilling his intellectual needs. His insults and disdain were a constant reminder of my inadequacy.

In the midst of all the chaos, my sanity seemed to slip away the moment I fell in love with him. Despite his harsh treatment and the difficulties we faced, I couldn't help but be drawn to him. I didn't understand why or how it happened, but perhaps it was the hope that one day he would accept me, or the fact that I had never experienced a committed relationship before.

No matter the reasons, one thing remained certain - I loved him deeply, and I was willing to do anything to earn his love in return. My stubborn nature, which had driven me to achieve what I desired in the past, now fueled my determination to win his heart. I refused to give up, even when faced with adversity.

My youthful years were marked by an unwavering stubbornness, and I would continue to be stubborn in my pursuit of his love. I was determined to overcome the challenges and prove that my love was genuine and deserving. I was willing to go to great lengths to make him see the depth of my affection because, in my heart, there was no other option but to fight for his love.


As Jungkook's pen glided across the paper, he couldn't help but feel the weight of exhaustion settling in his bones. The day's work was far from complete, but his body longed for sustenance. With no one to serve him dinner, he found solace in the thought of a steaming cup of coffee.

His gaze shifted to the intercom, a lifeline to his secretary, Lara. "Lara, could you please send a Macchiato to my cabin?" he requested, the weariness evident in his voice.

 A prompt "Yes sir" echoed through the receiver, providing a glimmer of relief. As he set the phone down, his attention shifted to the files awaiting his review. The sheer volume of work left him exasperated, a heavy burden weighing upon his shoulders.

Seeking respite from his mounting unease, Jungkook rose from his seat and made his way toward the window. The cool breeze caressed his skin, offering a moment of tranquility amidst the chaos. 

The city lights, like a constellation of stars, adorned the landscape below, casting a graceful glow upon the night. From the vantage point of his 30th-floor office, he marveled at the beauty of the world unfolding beneath the twinkling sky.

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