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Returning home from the grocery store, Y/N found herself stepping into an unusually quiet atmosphere. Normally, the sound of the television or the gaming room would fill the air, but this time, there was no sign of activity.

Glancing at the wall clock, she noted that it was already half past seven, which meant that Jungkook should have been home by now. However, she couldn't sense his presence anywhere in the house.

Assuming that he must still be at work, she made her way to the kitchen to unload the grocery bags onto the kitchen island. As she turned towards the fridge, her eyes were drawn to a sticky note attached to it.

The note read, 'Go to the bedroom, a surprise is waiting for you.' 

Confusion washed over her as she frowned at the note, wondering who could have left it there. It couldn't have been Taehyung since he had returned to his home last week, and she wasn't certain if Jungkook was even at home.

She entered the bedroom without further hesitation, her curiosity piqued by the sight of a beautifully wrapped blue box adorned with a lustrous ribbon. Attached to the box was a note that simply said, 'Open me soon'. Chuckling at the playful message, she proceeded to untie the ribbon and open the box.

A gasp escaped her lips as she beheld its contents - two vibrant red roses and a letter accompanied by a nude pink dress.

Eager to read the letter, she picked it up and began to peruse its contents.

A beautiful gift for my beautiful wife, please make sure to wear it. This is my first time picking a dress and I chose it myself. This is only the beginning, there are a lot more to come.


A smile formed on her lips as she realized that Jungkook was behind this thoughtful gesture. It was the first time she had ever received a gift from him.

Placing the letter on the bed alongside the roses, she carefully examined the dress. It was undeniably beautiful, a testament to Jungkook's good taste.

However, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unfamiliarity and luxury when she looked at it. Pushing aside her thoughts, she made up her mind to try on the dress, appreciating the effort and sentiment behind Jungkook's choice.

After about 10 minutes, she had successfully dressed herself in the new outfit. Admiring her reflection, she couldn't help but appreciate the elegance it brought to her appearance. Lost in her thoughts, her attention was abruptly pulled away by a message that appeared on her phone.

The message, sent by Jungkook, instructed her to be ready in 20 minutes as his butler would be there to fetch her.

Confusion filled her mind as she wondered why Jungkook was sending his butler and where he wanted her to go at such a late hour. Despite her unanswered questions, she decided not to dwell on them and focused on getting ready instead.

With minimal makeup consisting of some BB cream, nude lip gloss, and a touch of blush on her cheeks, she let her hair cascade down, reaching her waist. Satisfied with her appearance, she considered herself ready for whatever awaited her outside.

The sound of the doorbell resonated through the house, signaling the arrival of the butler Jungkook had mentioned. With her phone and purse in hand, she descended the stairs and opened the door to find the butler standing before her.

"Mrs. Jeon, young master has sent me to pick you" he addressed her and gave a slight bow in respect, where she quickly dismissed the formality, requesting that he address her by her name, y/n.

THE SECOND CHANCE || JJK ffحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن