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Y/N settled inside her room, a mix of emotions and thoughts swirled within her. The reality of what had just happened began to sink in, and she couldn't help but touch her lips, still tingling from the tender kiss she had shared with Jungkook.

Her mind felt foggy, trying to process the whirlwind of sensations and the depth of the connection she had felt in that moment. It was her first kiss, a milestone that held significance and meaning. She couldn't help but feel a mixture of shock, excitement, and a hint of nervousness.

"What just happened?"

Taking a deep breath, Y/N closed her eyes, attempting to calm her racing thoughts and steady her pounding heart. She traced her fingertips over her lips, the memory of Jungkook's touch lingering on her skin.

"I had my first kiss" As she gradually came back to her senses, Y/N couldn't help but smile, her lips curving upwards with a mixture of awe and happiness.

"My first kiss" The realization that she had shared an intimate moment with Jungkook, that their connection had deepened beyond their initial arrangement, filled her with a sense of wonder and anticipation.

As Y/N lay on her bed, her mind reeling from the magical kiss she had experienced, she couldn't help but repeat to herself in disbelief, "I... I had my first kiss."

The words escaped her lips in a hushed whisper as if saying them out loud would make the reality of the moment sink in. It was a moment she had anticipated and dreamed of, but never imagined would be so extraordinary.

"I... I can't believe it," Y/N murmured to herself, her voice filled with wonder. It was nothing like she ever imagined and was more magical than anything in Disney or fairytales she had come across.

 The smile lingered on her lips as she continued to repeat the words, her voice growing more confident with each utterance. "I had my first kiss..."

With each repetition, Y/N's heart filled with a newfound sense of joy and possibility. She couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected turn her life had taken, for the chance to experience a love that went beyond the confines of imagination.

As she lay there, basking in the afterglow of that magical kiss, Y/N couldn't help but let out a soft giggle. "I had my first kiss," she whispered once more, her voice filled with a mix of excitement and contentment. "And it was the most incredible moment of my life."


The morning sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow on the dining area as Jungkook descended the staircase, ready for another day at the office. Dressed in a finely tailored suit, he exuded confidence and sophistication.

As he reached the dining area, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the sound of clinking cutlery greeted him. To his surprise, he noticed Taehyung and Y/N engrossed in conversation, their attention completely focused on each other. 

They seemed so comfortable in each other's presence that they didn't immediately notice Jungkook's approach.

Jungkook's lips curled into a small smile as he observed the scene before him. Taehyung, with his usual playful demeanor, was animatedly sharing a story, his laughter filling the air. Y/N's eyes sparkled with amusement and genuine interest, her laughter blending harmoniously with Taehyung's.

For a moment, Jungkook felt a twinge of curiosity mixed with a hint of jealousy. He had never seen Y/N interact with someone so freely and comfortably before. It was a side of her that he hadn't yet discovered, and it piqued his interest.

As Jungkook neared the table, his presence finally caught their attention.

Taehyung's eyes lit up with a warm smile as he caught sight of Jungkook, and he greeted him with a cheerful "Good morning!"

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