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Jungkook sat at his desk in the bustling office, his mind drifting to thoughts of progressing his relationship with Y/N from friendship. As he typed away on his computer, he couldn't help but feel a sense of longing, a desire to deepen their connection.

His gaze wandered to the picture frame on his desk, a snapshot of him and Y/N laughing together during a recent outing. It reminded him of the genuine joy they shared, and he couldn't help but smile at the memory.

But he knew that moving from friendship to something more would require patience and careful consideration. He didn't want to rush things or risk jeopardizing the trust they had begun to rebuild.

He wanted to take it one step at a time, allowing their bond to naturally evolve.

As he reflected on their journey so far, Jungkook realized that building a strong foundation of friendship was crucial. They had spent time together, shared conversations and moments of laughter, but there was still much to explore and discover about each other.

He made a mental note to plan more activities where they could spend time together outside of their usual routines.

Whether it was going to a museum, trying out a new restaurant, or simply taking a walk in the park, he wanted to create opportunities for deeper conversations and shared experiences.

Jungkook also knew that communication would play a vital role in progressing their relationship. He wanted to be open and honest with Y/N about his feelings, without overwhelming her or pressuring her into anything she wasn't ready for.

He wants their relationship to grow naturally, based on mutual trust and understanding.

He decided to find the right moment to have a heartfelt conversation with Y/N, where he could express his intentions and desires while also giving her the space to share her thoughts and feelings.

It was important to him that they were on the same page, and that their desires for the future aligned.

As contemplates his next move in progressing his relationship with his wife. An idea suddenly struck him, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. He wanted to create a casual yet intimate setting to spend more time together outside of their usual routines.

With determination, Jungkook reached for his phone and sent a message to Y/N.

"Hey, Y/N! I was wondering if you could do me a favor. Would you mind bringing me lunch today? I forgot to pack mine and the outside food isn't healthy for me."

As he hit send, a mix of anticipation and nervousness coursed through him. He hoped that Y/N would agree, that she would see his invitation as a genuine effort to spend more time together and deepen their connection.

Minutes later, a reply popped up on his screen, causing a smile to spread across Jungkook's face. "Sure, Jungkook" 

She didn't message further and just conveyed to bring him the food.

Relief washed over him as he read Y/N's response. She was willing to meet him, and he couldn't wait to see her. He quickly tidied up his desk, making sure everything was in order for his lunch break.

As the clock ticked, Jungkook's heart raced with anticipation. He couldn't help but wonder how the lunch hour would unfold, what conversations they would have, and if this would be the start of something more.


I stepped inside the immense building, my heart pounding in my chest. The sight of countless people engrossed in their work overwhelmed me, but I did my best to project an air of confidence. Deep down, though, nervousness coursed through my veins.

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