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"Y/n, please come out and have some food," Taehyung called out, knocking on her bedroom door. He raised his voice, trying to reach her, but there was no response, no sound coming from inside the room. He knocked again, his fist pounding on the door, but still, there was silence.

It had been a week since the incident, and Taehyung was struggling to reach Y/n and get her to engage in normal day-to-day activities. 

He knew she was deeply hurt by what had happened, mourning a situation that she bore no responsibility for. Despite his efforts, she remained locked away, refusing to come out or acknowledge him.

"Y/n, this is the last time I'm calling you. If you don't come out, I have no choice but to break down the door," Taehyung's voice held a hint of frustration and desperation, hoping that his threat would coax her out. But once again, he was met with silence.

With a heavy sigh, Taehyung made his way to the storeroom, his mind set on finding a way to open the door by force if necessary. He grabbed a hammer and a screwdriver, unsure which tool would be more effective. 

His determination to reach Y/n outweighed any concern for the potential damage he might cause.

"Here goes nothing," he muttered to himself, discarding the screwdriver and opting for the hammer. He struck the lock with a measured force, enough to make a sound that would hopefully catch Y/n's attention.

Taehyung's heart raced with concern as he placed his ear against the door, desperate for any sign of movement or response from inside. The seconds ticked by, and his restlessness grew. "Y/n," he called out again, his voice filled with panic as she remained silent.

After waiting for one last minute, Taehyung's hand moved with force, breaking open the lock after three attempts. He pushed open the door and entered the strangely quiet and dark room. The faint light from the blinds provided limited illumination.

"Y/n," he called out once more, his voice echoing in the room. But as his eyes scanned the area, they landed on a figure lying on the bed, covered in sheets. 

Y/n was soundlessly napping, seemingly oblivious to the sounds and noises Taehyung had made just moments ago. Confusion clouded Taehyung's mind as he looked at the hammer in his hand and the broken lock.

"How can she not wake up with all the noise?" he wondered, his concern deepening. He knew Y/n was not a heavy sleeper and would typically wake up at the sound of someone calling her. He also questioned whether the room was soundproof, which could explain her unresponsiveness.

In an attempt to clear his mind and find answers, Taehyung turned the hammer upside down, ensuring that the metal part would strike the tiled floor and create a loud thud or noise. He dropped the tool, hoping it would jolt Y/n awake. But to his dismay, she remained motionless, seemingly unaffected by the noise.

"Y/n," Taehyung called out, his voice laced with desperation as he gently patted her cheek, trying to rouse her from her deep sleep. But still, there was no response. 

"Y/n, please wake up," he pleaded, hoping that his calls would bring her back to consciousness.

With his attempts to wake her proving futile, Taehyung's worry intensified. He immediately reached for his phone, dialing the emergency line. He couldn't bear the thought of Y/n going through something terrible, especially considering the circumstances surrounding Jungkook's decision to leave her. 

He needed help, and he needed it quickly.

Taehyung stood there, his frustration and worry mixing together as he watched the medical team swiftly move Y/n onto a stretcher and rush her away to be examined further. He followed behind them, desperately trying to keep up, but was stopped at the entrance of the emergency room. The door closed, taking his sister out of his sight, leaving him feeling helpless.

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