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Your POV

I open my eyes and see Peter, crying next to me. I can barely see anything, well except that I am in the same spot with the thing Jabbing through my stomach. i have come to see that the thing that is through me is a long, old, sword. how lovely.

I notice that I should tell Peter that I am up.

"Peter?" My voice is raspy and quiet. His head quickly turns to look at me and a smile forms on his face. He puts his arms up to hug me, but I stop him." Umm, you want to get stabbed?" I say.

"Oh, right. I thought you were death. Karen told me that your life function were critical. So that is why we aren't moving you." He said.

I shift a bit and the sword moves. I groan in pain and Peter starts to freak out.

"Peter, yea it hurts but don't freak out. It is nothing worse than period pain." I chuckle, which became into an instant regret. I start coughing and start to spit up more blood. I put my hand to my mouth to keep Peter from seeing it.

"wait Peter, why did my suit get stabbed. I have Vibranium in my suit." I question.

"I think that with enough force Titan metal is able to break Vibranium. Also Vibranium is just the strongest metal on earth." He says brushing it off. He looks over at the fight. I decide to look there too, because i really can't do anything.

I see that Strange is laying on the side, watching Tony and Thanos fight. There is this blue Chick who is also here, Idk who she is. I can't seem to find any of the Galaxy Crew.

I look back at Tony and Thanos and notice everything is oddly familiar. Then it hits me.  Tears start running down my face, thinking f what happens after. Peter notices and starts to worry.

"It is happening. I couldn't prevent it, I tried and it did nothing. We are all going to die because of me not stopping him." I say through my tears.

"What are you talking about, we still have a chance at winning." Peter says optimistically.

"no, you are wrong. this is what happened in my dream. I can't stop it, we are all going to die, and I am stuck with a sword through my stomach." I say.

"It will be fine, he won't get the stone-" Petr cuts himself off as Tony gets stabbed through his Stomach. Peters mouth opens, but i have too good of a joke to not share.

"Look Peter, My dad and I are twining." I smile through my tears.

Peter laughs a little but covers his mouth with his hand gasping.

He points to the fight as we see Strange hand over the time stone. That is it, I am done being stuck. I Move myself forward, very carefully. It hurts but I need to do something. I drain out Peter  yelling at me to get my ass back.

I start running towards the big purple space grape. I hurts my whole body cause i am losing a lot of blood but I keep going. the stone goes into his gauntlet and he turns to look  at me. He has confidence plaster on his face.

"I am sorry, this has to happen." He says before getting sucked up in a blue grey cloud. I leaped to go through the portal, but it closes before I could reach it. I crashed hard on the ground and my wound starts to pour out blood.

Strange makes orange circles and wraps me in orange light, holding in the blood. While this is happening tony closed up his stab wound and ran over to me. He started doing the same thing his did to Peter.

First everything burns and feels like a fire is burning inside me. Then everything seems like it someone dropped an ice cube in me. It all happened in a matter of seconds and then my wound felt like I just am really sore.

I start coughing up extra blood that was left in my airways.

"Did we just lose?" Quill said walking in with the other Guardians. They were all kinda hurt. 

"Yea." I say sitting up and dusting off my black, blood stained suit. I then stood up and almost fell onto Peter. Luckily he was fast and caught me.

"You ok there." He asked.

"Just lost a wee bit too much blood." I smile at him.

"Gosh what has happened to you. You are so different with all of this bad stuff that is happening to you. You are joking about how you and your dad are twining." Peter laughs trying to keep my mind off of us dying.

"How are we twining." Tony chimes in, noticing what Peter is doing.

"we both had a sharp Item stabbing through our stomach." I laugh then clutch my stomach cause it hurts.

"My Thor! Y/n that is horrible." Tony says.

Then all of our gazes shifted towards Mantis.

"Something is happening." She said as she started turning to dust. Before we knew it she was gone. Peter had let go of me to walk over towards them. I held back my tears by biting my lip.

"Quill?" Drax says. he started saying and within a second he was gone too.

"Steady Quill?" Tony says as Quill starts to go away.

"Oh man." Quill says right as he goes. Our eyes shift to Mr sexy as he says to go as well.

"we are in the end game now." As just like that he was gone.

Peter was behind me but then I heard him call out my name, his voice cracking.

"Y/n. I don't know what's happening." He said limping over to me, his eyes were coated with a shiny gloss.

"You're ok." I say with my eyes now flowing with tears.

"I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go."  his voice was barely able to be heard. He grabbed me and kissed me for the last time.

"No peter." I say holding on to him.

"Y/n, I love you, I'm sorry." he said and just like that, all that was left of Peter's dust on on arms. I fall to the ground and look at myself waiting for me to turn to dust.

I scream out with hot tears running down my face.

I sat there for minutes waiting for it to happen, but it never did. Tony walk over and sat next to me.

"I think you are staying." He said rubbing my back. I bat his hand away. I stand up and walk away from him.

I go and walk to the other end of the big area where we had been the past hour and sit down as far as i can from Tony.

Word Count: 1158

Infinitely Yours ( Peter Parker x Reader) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now