Illusions- Tony Stark x reader (1/?)

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You have two choices at the end of this, A or B. I'll write the endings in the next part.


White, tile covered walls surrounded you, the two windows that were on the left wall where dirty and grated, with a view of the lonely and vast forest expanding on the hills in the distance and going over the horizon which faded away in the mist.

You were laying on the old, creaky bed in your own room in the asylum, staring at the ceiling above you. Cries and screams were heard from the neighboring rooms, making you shut your eyes tightly and hug yourself, clutching the thin material of your shirt in your hands. 

Repetitive steps pacing up and down the halls, doors opening and closing and the chaos outside your room was obnoxious.

Before getting hospitalized there, you had a normal life, you were a normal girl... or at least that's what they told you. You woke up there, not having any idea of what happened, where you were and why you were there. You barely remembered some basic information about yourself, your life and family, but nothing that could've put you into an asylum.

The doctors told you that something from your past caused you to have a breakdown, and somehow it affected you so much that it triggered schizophrenia; after a severe crisis you somehow fell and hit your head, causing you to forget everything.

Yet everything seemed like a bunch of bullshit to you. You didn't have any of the symptoms or anything, you were feeling perfectly fine. And another weird thing, the doctors didn't let your family visit you. You only heard the angry voice of your father and your mother's cry, but they didn't allow you to see them. 

From time to time, you had some dreams. Hazy, wicked dreams but they seemed so real. They weren't repetitive but they were indeed weird. Visions of the space, some creatures that came down a gigantic wormhole in the sky and a flash of red and gold in front of your eyes. Sometimes a male's voice would tell you things. You couldn't get exactly what he said, it was like the sounds faded away, but you felt like you've heard that voice before in your life... strange.

Standing up from your bed, you decided that you should go and walk around the court, until all the madness was over with or at least until you'd calm down; you grabbed your sneakers and walked out of your room, closing the door behind you.

The hall was a real madness, patients running around like lunatics, nurses and doctors chasing after them... the same thing happened almost daily. Except one thing. This time, on the hall, there was a man. A man you haven't seen until then, but he seemed so familiar.

It felt like you knew him, but at the same time that you didn't.

He was sitting in a chair alone, wearing the usual clothes they gave you at the institution you were in. He had short, fluffy and messy hair, broad shoulders and a slight scruff covering his jaw. In his hands was clutched tightly a cylindrical object that shined blue and had a very interesting pattern on it, and it looked like it should've been put somewhere. 

As you walked further down the hall, approaching him and staring at the strange object in his hands, he heard your footsteps, he looked up, and your eyes met some deep, gorgeous, brown orbs. But they were so empty, so drained and haunted... it was almost painful to look in his eyes, like it physically hurt you seeing it for some reason. It was like all life, hope and happiness have been drained from those gorgeous eyes.

You heard the doctors talk about that man. Apparently he has been brought there in the same day with you, at the same time. Apparently, his father died recently, and it hit him so hard that he started imagining his own world, in which he was his own hero. They said he lived inside his own head, never talked to anyone and never let the object out of his hands.

Somehow you were interested in finding out more, you wanted to talk to that man and find out more about him and his story. 

You stopped in your tracks and looked at him, your mouth opening as if to say something...;





A/N: This was more like a pilot for all my future interactive AUs, so don't @ me cuz it's not that good. It will get better trough the parts, I promise.

Comment the letter of the choice you want to make and decisions will be written in next chapter. Should I continue?


Word count: 800

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