Suicide forest(2)-!young Hank x reader

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You and Hank walked on the path, taking in your surroundings as the night began looming over the forest.

The wind began blowing harshly, rustling the branches and lifting dirt from the ground, fog was surrounding the trees and it was hard to see around you.

"Ugghh" you groaned when the wind began blowing harder, and some dust got in your eye.

You kept walking after Hank as you rubbed at you eye, trying to get the dirt out, when you tripped over a small rock.

You began falling, but it was suddenly stopped by you hitting your head on Hank's back, and you managed to grab the material of his hoodie, and steady yourself on your feet.

"Here, grab my hand" Hank said as he turned around.

"Huh?" you asked confused.

"We'll be stepping off the path and go east. I have a hunch that we'll find something if we go that way, and the path seems steep" Hank explained as he pointed towards a steep mound that you were going to walk on in order to reach whatever is down there.

"Oh" you nodded, understanding what he meant.

"Hold my hand dummy. I don't want you to fall on your ass and break a bone" he joked and extended his hand towards you.

You felt a small smile creeping up your face as you grabbed his hand, but you instinctively drew it back.

"Huh? What's wrong?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Ah... your hand is really cold" you said

"Ah... sorry... It's always been like that" he said as he looked down at his hand.

"Always?" you asked

"Yeah" he nodded

You smiled as you grabbed his hand and held it tight in yours.

"Then let me warm it up for you" you said as he looked at you with wide eyes. Gradually, his hand grew warmer, and the frown on his face transformed into a warm smile.

"Let's go" he said as he began walking.

The two of you walked down the mound slowly, careful not to trip and fall. The grass was wet, and it was tickling your ankles as you walked behind Hank while you were holding hands.

His grip on your hand tightened, and you felt your body being hauled forward after him. Hank's foot slipped on some moss, and he began falling forward, still holding your hand. But, being the quick thinker he was, he managed to reach out and grab a thick branch, maintaining his footing and stopping the fall.

You also managed to steady your ground, now that he did too. 

"Be careful! We almost fell!" you almost yelled, angered

And he was supposed to be the one leading you, huh...

"It's not my fault! It's getting darker outside and I didn't see the moss!" he argued back.

"The flashlights! Let's take them out" you said, remembering you had them in your backpack.

You took your backpack off and took the flashlights, then the two of you continued walking down the mound.

Finally, when you were on steady ground, you were met by more trees and more fog, yet, it was feeling different.

Different sounds were coming from different directions, the wind wasn't blowing anymore, just a faint breeze that was enough to tickle the ends of your hair.

"It's getting denser" Hank said, looking around.

"Yeah. The forest has parts were it's rarer and parts where it's denser... I guess we're in a dense one now" you confirmed as you sat down on a tree's old trunk.

You opened your backpack and grabbed a sandwich, and gave Hank one as well.

"So, do you think we'll find something here?" you asked and took a bite of your sandwich.

"I don't know" he shrugged

The two of you kept eating in silence, until Hank sat up suddenly.

"What? What happened?" you asked, looking at him

"Did you hear that?" he asked while looking around.

"Hear what?"

"It's coming from this way" Hank said as he took his backpack and began running 

"Hank! Wait!" you shouted as you hurriedly took your flashlight and followed after him.

You ran down the path he took, and when you stopped, you were faced with something you didn't expect to find there.

An old, abandoned bridge was standing tall in front of you, placed over a deep ravine, from which was heard something like running water

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An old, abandoned bridge was standing tall in front of you, placed over a deep ravine, from which was heard something like running water.

It looked like it's been there for ages, green moss growing over the concrete, wrapping around the poles.

On the other side f the bridge was Hank, standing there with his back at you, looking at something.

"Hank!" you shouted, but he wouldn't turn around.

Somewhat he seemed to be frozen in place. You began walking towards the bridge, when a faint wind began to blow, and you heard an icy, hoarse voice whispering your name, making you freeze in your tracks.



A/N: Suspense! This was a request from Stormy3187, and this is part 2. I hope this one is better than the 1st one. I have 2 more parts for this! Stay tuned for more!

Word count: 900

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