Fairytale-Tony x reader (1/?)

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Since you've been a child you loved fairytales, and if you could, you would've read them hours on end every day. Every week you went to the library to find new books or stories you could read, and even if you read some of them over and over, you couldn't get enough of it.

Getting lost in the story line, feeling like you're a part of the story and the smell of the books was your personal heaven.

Yeah, many people said it was childish, told you to grow up and do something with your life, but you couldn't care less about what they said. Reading fairytales was really your passion and you didn't have time to spend on those uncultured swines.


And, after Tony, your boyfriend found out, and after he assured you that it wasn't embarrassing in any way and that he actually found it adorable, you and him started reading together.

Sometimes you read out loud and he listened like a child, curling on your lap or holding you in his arms; or he read to you, since you always loved how his voice got softer when he read and it made you sometimes drift off to sleep.

And since you always wanted to make sure Tony takes a break from working, what other better way than reading and cuddling with your favorite person at the same time?

You two had made a routine of reading together at least once a week, and today was the day when he'd wait for you in your shared bedroom with a new book and snacks so you two could start your reading (and napping) session without any care.

Finishing your chores around the Tower, you quickly walked towards the bathroom and took a warm shower, then put on your coziest pajamas, darting quickly to the bedroom only to find Tony already there, smiling warmly as he laid on the bed, dressed in a grey shirt and some pajama pants. He already brought some snacks and hot chocolate for the two of you, and he was holding the red book in his hands, trying to steal a peek.

"Hey! Don't start without me!" you pouted as you walked towards the bed and climbed in, sitting between his legs and resting your head on his chest.

"But I'm curious and I really want to know what this one is about!" he whined and hugged you closer, covering the two of you with a warm, fluffy blanket that smelt like lavender and a bit of lemon.

"Don't be a traitor" you gave him a playful glare and he grinned, kissing your nose.

"You all set there?" he hummed as he looked down at you and set the lights in your room on dim, so you'd have the perfect atmosphere for reading.

You hummed and snuggled further into him, hugging his torso and inhaling his comforting scent, nodding and giving him a sweet smile, "Yep"

"Okay then, let's start" he chuckled and gave you a quick kiss before opening the book, clearing his throat as he began reading.

"Once upon a time..." he began reading, his tone soft and loving as he stroked your hair now and then, sometimes kissing your head, which made you feel sleepy, and soon enough you fell asleep with him still reading the story.


You woke up a few hours later, your head was spinning and you were a bit dizzy as your rubbed your eyes and opened them. Your head felt like mush, and you couldn't remember anything.

You couldn't remember anything either, not much anyways. Just your name and some basics about yourself, but the rest was a blur. You didn't know where you were, what you were doing there and what was happening. You felt like you were on another planet.

Looking around, you discovered you were in a huge, royal bedroom, laying on a king sized, canopy bed that was covered with a red velvet duvet. A wall was lined with a tall bookshelf that covered it whole, the other had some paintings with some people you didn't know and the curtains were dragged, leaving little room for the sun to get trough the cracks.

Standing up, you looked down at yourself, and you were dressed in a white, long nightgown that reached your ankles. You had a few bruises on your hands, and your leg hurt a bit, which only added more and more to your confusion.

Were you a princess? Or part of some royal family? Judging from the surroundings you were in some sort of castle or palace.

You walked around, trying to remember anything but nothing came to mind, still blank.

Suddenly the door opened and inside entered an old lady, dressed in a black dress and an apron, wearing a bonnet on her head. She was a servant maybe?

"Oh, my lady. You're awake. I hope I haven't waken you" she spoke softly and bowed in front of you respectfully.

"No, I was already up when you came" you shook your head as you looked at her, "Pardon my question, but... where am I?" you asked seriously as you sat on the bed.

The woman looked at you in confusion before nodding, "Oh, you must have hit your head last night. My princess, our King..." she started, swallowing heavily as she was reluctant in telling you what happened, "He has stolen you from your parents, the Queen and King of Alcester Kingdom. You are to marry him in a few days" she explained as she put a new dress on your bed

Your eyes widened and you shook your head, you still didn't remember anything, "But what happened last night?"


A/N: BOOM! New part published! This is an idea I've got while reading a Romanian fairy tale last night. It'll have more parts, and I might publish the 2nd part today.

Write down your thoughts about it!

-Love, Liv

Word count: 999 holy shit

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