Sensitive- Tony x reader

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(Tony x sensible! reader)

Saying you didn't cry much would be a lie. You cried almost every week, even a few times a week if you were having a tough day.

During your nervous breakdowns and fits of crying, you preferred to be alone, to have your space so no one would see you. It was better if no one did, because they'd ask millions of questions, start pitying you, and that was the worst thing you could imagine.

It wasn't that you didn't like being comforted, but they'd start looking at you differently, treating you differently and probably not telling you things.

You didn't like crying, not at all, and in the era of emotional unavailability that was a sign that you were weak.

Since you and Tony got together, the Avengers became your second family, and they were always so nice and considerate with you, and even if you knew they wouldn't laugh at you about crying, you just couldn't tell them. You didn't want them to know.

It was a pretty much normal day at Avengers HQ, and everyone was quite busy. Tony was in his lab, working with Bruce, Natasha and Clint were training, and Steve and Thor were at a football game.

You were mostly alone on the level, so no one would hear you cry. It's not like you made a routine out of crying, you hated it, but it had been an awfully stressful and full week for you, both work and home, and arguing with your mother about your relationship with Tony didn't do too much good either.

You walked inside your room and dropped your bag on the floor, running a hand down your face and sighing in exhaustion. Taking off your shoes and work clothes, you walked into the bathroom and had a quick shower before changing in your pajamas and getting in bed.

The bed was warm and comfortable, and it smelt like lavender and lemon, which helped you relax a bit. You snuggled in the blankets and grabbed your laptop, opening it to start working.

"Sir?" Jarvis' voice rang trough the laboratory, perking up Tony's attention.

"What's up Jar?" He hummed as he continued working on his suit.

"I think you should go into Miss Y/N's room" the A.I said, in a quite soft voice

"What happened?" Tony raised an eyebrow and dropped the french key on the table.

"You should see for yourself sir" said Jarvis and Tony furrowed his eyebrows, standing up and walking towards Y/N's room.

He approached the door and knocked, and heard soft sniffing from the room, but she didn't bother to answer.

"Y/N? Baby are you okay in there?" He asked as he placed his hand on the doorknob.

"I'm fine! I'm just uhm, a bit busy" you lied, your voice cracking as you slapped yourself mentally.

"Y/N, I'll come in, okay?" You heard his voice call and you quickly wiped your tears, trying to look like everything was fine.

He got in your room and closed the door behind him, turning to look at you softly

"Crap" you mumbled under your breath as you looked down at your hands.

"Sweetheart... why are you crying?" Tony asked and walked closer, sitting on your bed next to you as he gave you a soft look.

"Honestly? I don't know" you sighed and hugged a pillow, bringing your knees closer to your chest.

"Come on, Y/N/N. You can tell me, I'm your boyfriend, I wanna help you" he cooed lovingly and grabbed your hand, kissing your fingers one by one

"I don't know, Tony. I just... I break down, I need to cry to get it all out. I don't wanna talk about it" you shook your head and sighed.

Tony looked at you, eyes glassy and patient, then nodded and kicked off his shoes and hugged you close to his chest, "Okay then, but I'm not leaving until you're feeling better" he said and wiped your tears, softly caressing your cheeks.

"Thanks" you sniffed and wrapped both of your arms and legs around him, clinging to him as if he was a tree and you were a koala.

"No need to baby, I'm always here" he smiled and kissed your forehead, chuckling silently at how you were wrapped around him.

"Can we watch a movie?" You asked as you looked at him, your eyes still wet with tears.

"Of course" he smiled and stood up to go to the kitchen, but stopped when he was that you wouldn't let go and still kept yourself wrapped around him.

"You don't wanna let go, right?" He hummed as he looked down at you.

"Nuh uh" you shook your head and buried your face in his chest

"Okay baby, let's go get some popcorn and candy then" he chuckled and held you tighter against him as he began walking towards the kitchen.

"Hey, what's--" Bruce asked as soon as he saw you clinging to Tony as he walked ever so casually to the fridge.

"Don't ask. Bad day" Tony mouthed towards Bruce and he immediately understood, nodding and helping him with some snacks before leaving the two of you alone there.

He grabbed some sweets and hot chocolate, plus popcorn and put them on a tray, then headed back to your bedroom, putting you on your feet and closing the door behind you two.

He laid on the bed and put the tray next to him, opening his arms widely for you, "Come here babygirl" he grinned as he waited for you.

You smiled happily and jumped in his arms, snuggling yourself on his chest as he put the blanket over both of you, his warmth embracing you and lulling you to sleep.

"Tony?" You asked quietly after a few minutes while you two watched the movie

"What is it baby?" He hummed and rubbed your back up and down, kissing your head lovingly.

"Thank you" you mumbled and leaned up to kiss him before you fell back on his chest and slept right away.

"No need to" he whispered and kissed you back, shaking his head with a soft smile as he huddled you even closer.

And the two of you fell into each other's arms, both of you feeling secure and at peace for once.

And maybe you were a crybaby, but Tony understood it and loved you for it. Plus, crybabies are more loving and honest, right?

Don't be ashamed to be one, and don't be ashamed for loving too hard, for being jealous or having big feelings. It's because you have a big, golden heart💕.


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A/N: This is for all the crybaby girls out there, hope it's just a little tiny bit helpful somehow. I'm a crybaby as well, and I'm not ashamed of it. Never EVER be ashamed of your feelings.

Word count: 1200

Love, Liv.

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