Fairytale (2/?)

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"Oh dear... you really don't remember anything do you?" the old lady asked concerned as she looked at you, folding her wrinkly hands over her lap.

You shook your head and looked up at her, the concerned look on her face making you a bit anxious about what happened last night. Did something that bad really happened?

"I shouldn't be telling you this my lady, but... Last night, my king and his army attacked your kingdom and he had stolen you from your parents. We don't know what really had happened at your castle, but he brought you here when you were already passed out. He refused to tell us m'lady" she explained, rubbing her hands nervously and looking around the room as if she was searching for something, her eyes reluctant and somehow nervous, "But I can guarantee you, he would never hurt you!" she said quickly and walked out of your room, pushing in your room a tray with food and some tea.

 "My lord will await you at noon in the interior gardens. The guards will come to escort you there" she said and bowed respectfully again before dashing out of the room and closing the door shut behind her.

You shook your head and took a few moments to think it trough. She acted like she knew more than that... like she actually knew everything that happened at your castle. But she seemed afraid to tell you. Scared somehow, something in her tone got you thinking.

Brushing it off, you grabbed the garments she left on the bed for  you: a long floral dress with a heart cleavage, without dally and edged with lace, it was more comfortable and light than you had thought and somehow it brought some blurred memories.

Shaking your head, you gathered your thoughts and realized that you had to go back home. If you had what to go back home to. You had no idea what was the name of your kingdom or what direction you should head in, but you knew you had to go back to your home. You didn't want to stay there, you didn't want to be forced to spend your entire life with a man that destroyed your country just to steal you. 

But you needed a plan. What if there were guards who watched you? What if they catch you trying to leave and who knows what might happen to you? So you preferred to be cautious.

Walking towards the window, you tried opening it, but it was useless. It was stuck shut. You tried on all windows in your room, but all of them were shut, and the distance from the window to the ground was too much, so jumping out trough the window would actually be a sure death.

Deciding that waiting to see the castle first would be a better option than jumping trough the window, you sat down on the bed and tried thinking about a plan to escape until noon came and you'd meet this said king.

About a couple of hours later, you didn't even touched the food or the tea, you were too deep in thought to eat anything, and you were still waiting to get to meet the man that kidnapped you. 

Suddenly, there were three strong knocks on your door, and you straightened your back, looking at the door intently, "Come in" you said and stood up as it flew open and three guards, as tall as trees and muscular, dressed in shiny armors and with swords at their sides came in, towering over you, "Princess, the king wants to see you now" one of them said, bowing down to you gallantly.

You nodded, unable to say anything as the knights led you out of the room and down the long, cold halls. The floors were covered in white marble, the walls were a deep red, almost the blood color and the walls were decorated with statues of angels and devils, paintings of the grotesque scenes of the wars that the world went trough and the ceilings had historical scenes painted on them, with long and crystal chandeliers hanging down, and the other wall was only windows as tall as it could be.

You followed the guards down a set or black stairs that led to a huge and impressive interior garden, decorated with thousands of different species of flowers, plants and trees. In the middle of the room, standing with his back turned and looking out trough the window was the king himself.

Tall, (or at least taller than you cuz we all know Tony is a smol bean) with board shoulders and wearing royal clothes (think about the late 1800s men's clothes), a dark and mysterious aura around him, something different than you'd ever seen at any other man. There was something intoxicating and so alluring about him. 

You walked further in the garden, admiring around, a bit lost in the beauty of the greenery, but the knight's deep voice snapped you back to reality.

"My king, I present you princess Y/N of Alcester" one of the knights spoke up and the man hummed, turning around and looking at you up and down, his eyes glistening with mischief and cockiness. 

Looking at him, you lost yourself a bit analyzing his featured; his hair was styled perfectly on his head, his dark eyes holding something mysterious in them and his hair brown, his jaw so sharp that you could cut your finger on and a beard he kept perfectly trimmed. 

He looked at you, as if to analyze every tiny detail and smirked slightly, and a bit mischievous.

Oh boy, he was trouble...


A/N: AAAANND 2nd part posted! Hope you guys like it! Write down your thoughts <3

Word count: 999 again, this is a sign satan wants me

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