Beautiful- Tony x reader

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You were on the roof of Avengers Tower, trying to talk a man out of jumping off and killing himself.

"Sir, please, step off the edge and come with me" you tried as you took a step closer to the man.

"No! Leave me alone!" the man yelled back.

He was looking down, at the busy streets and ongoing traffic that was prevailing the city of New York.

"Sir, please. There's no reason for you to die. Think about your family, about your friends... You have plenty of reasons to live" you tried to negotiate.

He didn't listen to you anymore, he was just staring down at the street with empty, hollow eyes.

Y/N, how's it going? Is he giving in yet? you heard Steve's voice over the comms

He's doesn't want to give in, I think I will--- you cut yourself short when the man took another step closer to the edge.

"No!" you screamed and ran towards him as fast as you could when you saw him ready to jump.

However, you were a second too late, and the man jumped off of the building. You looked over the edge, and time seemed to stop as he looked up at you and covered his face with his hands, before hitting the ground with a loud thud. You swallowed the lump in your throat as people started gathering around the body while ambulance sirens wailed in the distance.

Your knees gave in, and you fell on the floor, covering your mouth with your hands. You heart was beating frantically against your chest and your breathing got heavier by the second. 

Y/N? Everything okay? Steve's voice was heard over the comm again.

He... he jumped. You whispered, then you took the comm out of your ear and threw it away from you.

Taking your head in your hands, you left the tears that were building up in your eyes until a moment ago fall down your red cheeks. You hugged your knees to your chest and rested your forehead on your knees.

How did you let that happen? He was right in front of you and he just... jumped. A man lost his life in front of you, fell to death while covering his face with his hands, and everything you did was stand there and watch.

"Y/N?" you heard a familiar voice, so you lifted your head up as his arms wrapped around your form, and you clung to his chest, crying.

"Tony! He... he" you stammered, not able to continue the phrase as you tightened your hold around him while tears still fell from your eyes and into his shirt.

"Ssshhh. I know, I know. There's no need for you to explain" he comforted as he stroked your head.

"Come on, let's get you inside, the rain's starting soon, anyway" he said and lifted you up in his arms, walking with you to the elevator and carrying you like a princess to you room.

He somehow managed to open the door and walked in your bedroom, closing the door behind him with his leg. He sat you gently on the bed and walked towards your walk-in closet, and brought you some nice, warm clothes.

You looked up at him quizzically as all the makeup you had on your face was now ruined due to all the tears you shed. He chuckled and sat down on the bed next to you.

"Come on. Go on and take a nice shower, change your clothes and come back. I'm gonna put on a nice movie, okay?" he smiled kindly as he wiped some mascara from your cheek with his thumb, while your cheeks were red and hot from embarrassment. 

You quickly stood up and walked in your bathroom, closing the door shut behind you.

After you showered and calmed yourself with the help of the warm water, you cleaned your face from any makeup left over and changed your clothes. When you were done, you looked in the mirror at your image, unsure of your own beauty.

In highschool and college, you've been bullied all the time because you didn't wear makeup, and everyone was saying that you were ugly, everyone laughed at you for being natural, so, you covered your face in thick layers of makeup, even if they weren't necessary.

And since Tony was your boyfriend, you were even more ashamed to show up in front of him like that. Well, he was THE Tony Stark, he dated super models and perfect pinup girls, all looking gorgeous with or without makeup on.

You took a deep breath and stepped in your bedroom, where you found Tony sitting on your bed, waiting for you patiently, while the movie was paused at the beginning. He turned around and looked at you, and a gentle smile instantly grew on his face. 

"Hey, why'd you keep that face hidden from me?" he asked as he smiled down at you.

"W-what?" you stammered, your cheeks already flushed

Did he think you were ugly? Maybe he was making fun of you?

"Hey, baby girl, don't take it the wrong way, I meant to say that you're beautiful. You should go without makeup more often" he said as you sat down on the bed with him.

"Really?" you asked, unsure of how to answer.

"Yeah. Don't hide your face from me. I think you're beautiful just the way you are" he answered as he wrapped you in his arms and placed a kiss on the top of your head. You rested your head on his chest as the feeling of home installed in your soul. He always had that peaceful, calm aura when you were around him.

"Even tho I'm not looking like the girls from Victoria's Secret?" you asked as you looked up at him from his chest.

"Pffft. The plastics? You're infinitely more beautiful then they are, just because you're yourself. You're strong, and kind and have the warmest heart I've ever seen. Don't compare yourself with the social standards, love. You're beautiful. The society is ugly for making beautiful girls like you think they're ugly" he said as he gently massaged your shoulders.

"Tony... thank you" you said as you wrapped your arms around him and hugged him tightly. He was so kind and open-minded, and his words melt your heart away.

"No need to thank me. Just stating facts" he smiled and softly pecked your lips, " Now, let's get comfortable in bed. I made popcorn and pizza for you" he said as he crawled up in your bed and got under the covers.

He made space for you and took the covers aside so you could snuggle up to him, and then he pat the place, signaling you to come closer. 

You giggled as you happily cuddled closer to him and placed your head on his chest, while he wrapped an arm loosely around you. 

JARVIS turned off the lights and closed the curtains, then played the movie.

"Tony?" you asked, looking up at him.


"You're the best" you whispered as you kissed his jaw, then the two of you continued to watch the movie in peace.



A/N: This is some kind of encouraging message for all the girls out there. I feel very strongly for the cause, and I hate when girls call themselves ugly. I may not have expressed myself well, but I'm with you with all my heart. We don't need makeup to show beauty, beauty comes from inside. We may not have the thigh gap, a toned, flat stomach or round ass, but we're beautiful just the way we are. No one can tell us otherwise. Society's standards are so high right now that they seem unreachable and unrealistic. No matter what others say or think, stay true to yourself, stay kind and open minded. 

"To all the girls that that think they're fat because you're not a size zero, you're the beautiful one, it's society who's ugly" -Marilyn Monroe

Word count: 1400

Love and support, Liv <3<3<3

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