Cinnamon- Sherlock x reader

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The sweet scent of cinnamon tickled John's nose as he stepped in Sherlock's flat.

Well, I am saying Sherlock's flat because John was no longer living there with him, he moved with Mary in a beautiful 2 stories house, in the other side of London.

John stepped in the room and closed the door behind him, then strolled to the closed curtains and swung them open, warm, afternoon light peering through the dusty windows.

"Why are you here?" Sherlock's harsh voice rang from a dark corner of the room.

"Quit playing around Holmes. I've got some news for you" John said as he turned on the lights.

"I don't need you for a case, Watson. Go home" Sherlock answered bluntly as he sat up.

He took a cinnamon stick from the table and placed it between his lips, holding it there like it was a cigarette.

"It is not about a case. It's about Miss Y/L/N, your beloved assassin. But, if you don't want to hear about her, then I'll just leave"John said and turned around, marching towards the door and placing his hand on the knob, turning it and opening the door.

Just when he wanted to walk out, an arrow flew past his head and hit the door with so much force that it caused it to close, keeping John inside.

He turned around and gave Sherlock a surprised look, while the detective was holding a bow in his left hand, and another arrow in the right one.

"Sit" Sherlock ordered as he pointed the arrow to a chair.

"Just as I thought" John smirked and walked to the chair, took his hat off and sat down.

"Speak" Sherlock demanded as he munched on the cinnamon stick.

"She's back. She's arriving in England tomorrow night" John began.

"That's 3 years earlier... Are you sure she is even alive?" Sherlock asked, sadness in his raspy voice as he gazed out on the window, the warm light of the sun caressing his pale face.

"Her father told me. And she wouldn't lie to her father, even if she is what she is" John assured.

To that, Sherlock turned to John, giving him full attention, and walked closer, sitting down on the hardwood floor and looked intently at John.

"I am listening" Sherlock said, nodding his head, messy hair jumping up and down as he did so.

"Miss Y/L/N finished earlier what she had to do, and is now coming home. She's safe and untouched, and her father said that her mission was a great success" John smiled at Sherlock.

Well, let's shed some light on this case, shall we?

Sherlock and Y/N met 2 years ago, during one of Sherlock's most important cases. The murder of the Queen.

FLASHBACK, 2 years ago, September.

It was a rainy day in London. Not that it's not normal, just that it was raining harder than other days.

Sherlock was on the empty street, all drenched from the heavy rain drops that were falling on the ground with no mercy. He has been chasing a suspect for the last two hours, and he didn't even thought of stopping, but he lost the man in a an alley, and now there he was, all wet and running on and about aimlessly, trying to find that guy.

Ah, but it was pointless. The man already vanished, and all the efforts of finding him were in vain.

Sherlock cursed as he kicked a small pebble near his foot, sending it into a puddle, splashing water all over him. He groaned and facepalmed, running a hand through his wet hair in frustration.

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