Let's talk about Tony Stark, shall we?

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So, this is not an update, this is me ranting about Tony Stark. I know I've done it before, and I know I'm expressing my admiration for him every time I get the chance, but let's sit down and have a nice chat, okay? Let's make some things clear, shall we?

I feel Tony Stark from the depth of my heart, because I know how it's like to see things no one else can. I know how it's like to have awful nightmares that haunt you, I know how it's like to have guilt eating you alive, I know how's it's like to have panic attacks and paranoia, and I know how it's like to feel isolated from the world.

I don't make myself after the character, to be very clear! I took a liking for the character because he and I are almost the same, like, the same mental problems. Sleepless nights, anxiety, panic attacks, hyper paranoia.

Tony Stark is one of the purest heroes in the MCU, do you know why?

Tony Stark rips his own heart out and hands it to the people who need it the most, with hands covered in blood. But people don't look at the hole in his chest. All they look at it is his bloody hands and bloody heart, and they think he took it from anybody else but himself.

Tony's 10 years transition from boasting about his catastrophic weapons in the middle of a war torn country to trying to convince his fiance about having babies while on a morning jog in Central Park is one of the purest arcs in MCU history.

Sometimes I think about the Tony Stark we had at the end of Avengers, smiling with his girlfriend in their tower after they saved New York from a nuke, building a new home base for the Avengers. And then came the PTSD, and the Maximoffs and Ultron, and Civil War, and I think of the Tony we have now, sad and broken, tired. All his fault, always his fault, right MCU? He's still trying, but not with the effervescent drive of Avengers, but with the determination of a dying man.


Tony survived an explosion created by his on hands, with shrapnel in his chest, survived chest surgery with no drugs to numb the pain, survived torture and water boarding while having a car  battery attached to his chest, survived the walk trough the climatic ending explosion, survived palladium poisoning, survived race car crash, survived god nearly strangling him, survived flying a nuke into space with no oxygen, survived multiple panic attacks, survived house exploding around him, survived snow and freezing temperatures in a shirt and pants, survived human torches attacking him, survived multiple iron suits attacking him, survived hits from a warlord Titan and made Thanos bleed.

All of that without his suits. If you think Tony is nothing without his suits, leave this planet and kill yourself.

Hey, you guys remember when Iron Man 2 came out, and everybody was like, "Omg, Tony's so relatable"? Where did all that go when Tony's disorders came at surface? Where is all the support he had back then right now? Tony's PTSD and hyper paranoia stopped being so "cute" and "relatable" for everyone when his true self came out trough the movies. His disorders made him make questionable decisions, and then he suddenly stopped being everyone's quirky fave and became Tumblr's scapegoat and the embodiment of all the evil in this world.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm so fucking done with Tony's haters. He's just a human being, he's been put trough all that trouble and awful happenings, and then somebody comes and blames him for all the evil in the world, even tho he's been blaming himself since Iron Man 1.

He's the purest character MARVEL ever had, yet people hate him. You know what MARVEL? If you don't know how to appreciate him, I will appreciate and love him and everything he's done with all my heart. If I would have a person like him in my life, I would love, and appreciate and respect them so much, because how can you hate such a heroic smol bean?

I would stay more to talk about this, but I feel like it's boring for you guys, so I'm gonna finish it here. And yes I'm crying while writing this, and I will be probably crying for the next 10 minutes but he deserves love, okay?

Love, Liv


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