A new member- Tony x reader

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It was early in the morning, and the sun was already shining on the sky. Not many people were around, it was quite peaceful compared to the usual busyness of the streets. Tony was already up, walking around, trying to find a coffee shop that was opened at 5:30 in the morning. 

As he walked on the streets, people that passed him nodded at him in respect, others said 'Good morning Mr Stark', and some kids smiled and waved at him. Tony saluted, waved, smiled and nodded back at them, but he didn't speak a single word. He was way too cranky, and he was afraid he was going to snap at everyone.

Why was he looking for an opened coffee shop at 5:30 in the morning, you wonder?

Well, yeah, Tony worked all night in the lab again, and since he wanted to work some more, he needed coffee, but Clint drank the last cup, so there he was, walking around and trying to find some coffee.

It was already 6:15 when he found an opened StarBucks at the corner of the street. After he entered, and after he yelled at the cashier for misspelling his name from Tony Stark to Tony Stank, he grabbed his drink and stormed out of the shop, he threw on his shades and began walking back towards the tower. As he rounded a corner, he heard a soft dog whine at his feet. When he turned around, he saw a small puppy, hidden after a trash can, malnourished and shivering in fright.

Tony furrowed his eyebrows and crouched down, placing his coffee on the ground and leaning closer to get a good look at the pup. The puppy took a step back and shivered even more, letting out a whine.

"Come on, buddy, I won't hurt you" Tony said and extended his hand for the puppy to sniff.

The small doggo gave Tony a suspicious look, and stood still, watching him with big, sad eyes.

"Come on, you can trust me" Tony smiled softly at him.

A few people passed by him, and threw him weird looks.

"Mom, why is Tony Stark talking to a trash can?" a child asked his mother as they went past him.

"He's probably insane, dear, don't mind him" the mother said and they continued walking away.

Tony payed them no mind as he tried to make the puppy move loser to him, so he can see if he has a tag, maybe someone lost it?

The puppy walked closer to Tony and sniffed his hand a few times, to make sure he wasn't danger, then liked it, to show it was glad to meet him.

"Nice to meet you too" Tony laughed and took the puppy in his hands, looking over it for bruises. 

"Ohh, so you're a lady" Tony said after he turned the pupper in his hands to check it was alright.

Seeing that it has no name tag, Tony took his hoodie off and wrapped it around the shivering pup, then began walking with it to Avengers Tower. As he was walking down the street, thunder rolled in the distance, and a heavy rain began poring over him.

"What the hell?! It was sunny earlier!" Tony snapped at no one in particular, and took off his hoodie, wrapping the puppy in it. He then began running back to Avengers Tower.

Tony entered the living room and saw you laying on the couch, watching TV. You turned your attention to him. He was soaking wet and was holding his hoodie in his arms protectively, something appeared to be cuddled in the warmth of the cloth. When you looked better, you saw a small tail peeking out of the hoodie.

"Tony, what do you have there?" you asked, making him stop in his tracks.

"It's a puppy" he smiled 

"Where did you find him?" you asked, smiling.

"Her. It's a girl. And her name is Quinn" Tony smiled and approached you with the pup.

"Don't tell me you kidnapped her" you gave him a weird look.

"Of course not! I found her on the street while I went to get some coffee" He said and sat down on the couch, next to you.

He moved the material aside, and you saw Quinn's head.  She opened her eyes and looked up at you, cuddling back in fear.

"She won't hurt you, honey" Tony said, encouraging the puppy.

Despite his words, Quinn edged back and growled at you, looking between you and Tony scared.

"I think she's just stressed. We should get her something to eat and take her to Bruce. We need to check of she's alright" you smiled

Tony nodded and walked away to change his clothes, then fed Quinn. A few hours later, Bruce finished examining her, and she was alright, she didn't seem to be injured and healthy. There was only one problem, she was deaf. They didn't find her owners, so Tony decided he should adopt her.

Later that day, you, Tony, Quinn and the other Avengers were in the living room, trying to make Quinn more comfortable with the her new home.

"Tony, she's growling at me again!" Clint said and pouted while Quinn growled at him.

"Let me try it" Natasha said and tried to pet her, but Quinn snarled at her

"You guys just don't know how to approach her" Steve said, proudly and knelt next to Quinn. 

When he tried to pet her, she growled and began barking loudly at him, then bit his hand.

"Okay, okay, I get it! You don't like me!" Steve said and sat back down on the couch.

"HA! At least there's someone who prefers me over Steve!" Tony laughed.

You cleared your throat, annoyed and glared at him, folding your arms over your chest.

"Sorry babe, you know I didn't mean it" he said and pecked your lips.

"It's okay" yo smiled 

Since then, Quinn became the new member of the team and with the time she grew friendly with everyone in the team, except Steve. She didn't like him at all, but she stopped snarling and biting him. She was ignoring him. Tony and Bruce managed to make a small device to help Quinn's hearing, and she was more than happy to hear her owner's voice. 

And that's how Tony got rid of depression, with the help of Quinn.


A/N: This was a request from iamKhrfan123. I hope you liked it!

Word count: 1100

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