Suicide forest(1)-!young Hank x reader

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"Are you sure this is a good idea?" you asked anxiously as you held tight to your backpack.

"Nothing's gonna happen. Trust me" Hank said confidently as he parked the car.

"Well, that's enough to scare the shit outta me" Glen scoffed.

"What are we doing here? Shouldn't we be with the group at the hotel?" Dale asked looking between you and Hank.

Well, lemme explain what's going on in here. You, Hank, Dale and Glen are highschool colleagues and best friends, and at that date, you and the rest of the class were on a trip in Japan. You visited the forest with the group earlier that day, but you didn't go in, since it's a restricted area. It was called "The suicide forest" or Aokigahara because of the dark legends that fogged over the woods. The locals were scarred, and all of them avoided the place at all costs. Every time you asked them about it, they would look scarred towards the forest, and shake their heads.

You searched the Internet and found the whole story about it. It seemed that the forest was cursed by the devil, and anyone and anything that would enter would never be coming back. It gained its name after the multiple suicides that were committed. It also had a reputation for the yurei: the ghosts of death in Japan mythology.

Now, Hank had the stupid idea to go back to the forest and investigate what was it about, and, of course, he had to drag you after him.

"We should go back" Glen said as the four of you looked towards the entrance of the forest.

"We should go back" Glen said as the four of you looked towards the entrance of the forest

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"Oh, come on. Where's your adventure spirit?" Hank chuckled.

"Back at the hotel. Where's warm and there's food" Glen retorted

Then, a thought popped in your head. Dale wasn't exactly... mentally strong, so if anything happened, and you needed to run, you should've been capable of doing so without dragging Dale after you.

"Hank, Glen let's get outside for a moment" you said and walked out of the car, the others following you.

"What's up?" Glen asked

"I think Dale should stay this one out. If something happens, we need to get out of here as fast as we can, and we can't drag him after us. Plus, he'll get really scarred, and judge would kill us if something happened to him" you reasoned.

"Okay, I agree. But who'll take him back?" Glen asked.

You and Hank looked at him and he already understood that he pulled the short straw. He sighed and slumped his shoulders.

"Fiineeee" he pouted and crossed his arms over his chest.

"We need to take our things from the car" Hank said, to which you nodded.

After Glen explained to Dale how the things went, and that they had to leave, you and Hank took what you needed from the car.

Then, after Glen and Dale left, you and Hank were alone in front of the terrifying forest. You felt shivers of fear creeping down your spine, but the curiosity was much greater than the fear, and so, you and Hank entered the forest.


A/N:This was a request from Stormy3187. I have to stop writing here, and I will continue with part 2 tomorrow. I am so, very sorry for this, but I have a really short time spam.

Word count: 600

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